5 tricks to lose weight without a diet

5 tricks to lose weight without a diet

There are some really effective tricks for losing weight. We call them tricks, but in reality they are smart shortcuts that allow us to lose weight without following a fixed and controlled meal plan.
The question arises: ok, but how do we know that these tricks will really help us?

The word “trick” is in fact ambiguous. I already hear you say that to lose weight everyone knows that you need to eat less and move more. If this is largely the case, it is also true that scientific research in recent years has dealt with various alternative strategies for losing weight. Precisely with the aim of finding more concrete and rapid answers to those who need to lose weight.

So the ones I propose today are scientifically proven, and above all, even when you have heard about one of these 5 tricks to lose weight without a diet, you never thought of doing them all together.
Instead, for these shortcuts to work, it’s essential to try them all in one go.


    1. Enjoy the sun or alternatively take a low-dose vitamin D and calcium supplement.
      sun lose weight

      A deficiency of calcium and vitamin D leads to being overweight.
      Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a lowering of the immune system and metabolism. So much so that there is a sun diet and it has also been found that those who wake up very early in the morning have less body fat than those who get up late . What to do? Try to get to work with a partial or full walk to enjoy the morning sun. Have breakfast on the balcony, if you have it, during the summer. Go hiking on weekends, trying to get more sun. If, on the other hand, we have little time to go out for various reasons or we work at home, especially until the summer, we can take a natural supplement of vitamin D and calcium.
      Why natural? Because synthetic supplements, especially calcium, have numerous contraindications.

      So if you can’t enjoy the sun and your doctor agrees, I recommend these products.
      One 20 ml measuring cup every day: Floradix Calcium Liquid Formula 250ml 
      One drop sublingual every other day: Vitamin D3 in 75ml Drops, 1000 IU per Drop, Supports Bones, Teeth and Immune System, Liquid Vitamin D Cholecalciferol in MCD Oil from Walnut High Stability Coconut, Vitamin D Supplement

    2. Don’t get distracted while eating.We say no to dinner in front of the TV, to eat standing up and to the sandwich quickly gobbled up in front of the PC. During meals, we can converse, but we cannot work or engage too much in other activities.
      We need the action of the senses (sight, hearing, oral touch, taste, smell) to increase the sense of satiety. And this sensory process doesn’t work if we’re distracted. With the result that shortly after eating we are still hungry. On the contrary, we must focus on what we have on our plate.
    3. Eat 50% vegetables.
      vegetable lose weight

      Make vegetables the winning stars of your dish by arranging them on the main course in an attractive and appetizing way, before sitting down at the table. This trick distracts you from other foods and makes eating more vegetables more satisfying and natural. For example, choosing different colored vegetables, making a plate of pinzimonio accompanied by a low-calorie mayonnaise like this recipe.
      Or using them for a light vegetable cream, blending them when cooked with a cup of broth, or in a very colorful salad with legumes or sprouts.
      Over 50% of the lunch and dinner plate must be based on vegetables and greens.
      What about breakfast? Half breakfast based on low-sugar fruit: citrus fruits, apple or pear, plums, kiwi.

    4. Eat before shopping.

      Just have a healthy snack before you buy your food to automatically make your groceries healthier. So never shop on an empty stomach (typical: before dinner or lunch) because you automatically buy more roughly and spend more money on junk. All you need to do is eat a cucumber, a carrot or half an apple.

    5. Place some fruit in the centerpiece.

      According to a study, always having fruit (but also vegetables) on the centerpiece automatically leads us to consume it during snacks, and to eat more vegetables for lunch and dinner.

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