Does detox diet work? Dr. Papavasileiou talks about It

Does detox diet work? Dr. Papavasileiou talks about It

Does making a detox diet work?
And what exactly do we mean by detox?
This article, with the special advice of Dr. Maria Papavasileiou , dietician and nutritionist, offers a clear and important point of view on the detox diet.
And it is in line with what is scientifically known on the subject.
A point of view that will be useful to those of you who have considered some special “detoxifying” practice to lose weight.
And they wonder if the detox diet works or not. 


What does the detox diet consist of?

It is a detoxification operation that leads to weight loss and the elimination of toxins with a view to greater health.
According to some arguments, a detox diet brings the following benefits.

  • Drastic weight loss, cellulite reduction, energy increase.
    The detox diets out there have these characteristics.
  • Do a total fast for short periods of time.
  • Consume only fruits and vegetables.
  • Eliminate starchy or dairy products.
  • Specifically eat only certain foods.
  • Eliminate alcohol and coffee.In general, those looking for a detox diet do so because in parallel with being overweight, they suffer from water retention, synonymous with an intoxicated body.Water retention is in fact the consequence of an incorrect lifestyle , i.e. a sedentary lifestyle, consumption of alcohol, smoking, lack of physical activity, a diet rich in refined or industrial products and therefore unnatural.
    It is our unhealthy habits that progressively slow down the metabolism, creating the fat pads.

    Which detox to do?

    Doctor Maria Papavasileiou , the most famous nutritionist on the web, followed by thousands of people on her Facebook page Personalized Diet , explains what is true behind the detox diet.

    Detox diets have no scientific basis.
    If we try to deprive the body of its energy reserves by starving it, it will enter a defined state of ketosis , i.e. it will produce ketones.

    These are particular substances that cause weakness, fainting, headaches and dehydration.

    There is little scientific evidence for the benefits of a detox diet.

So what should we do to lose weight and somehow purify our body?
Here are the doctor’s advice.

  • First, reduce the consumption of cured meats, refined products, industrialized products, salt and sugar, coffee and alcohol.
  • Choose a balanced diet, while focusing on hydration.
    In fact, water removes water-soluble toxins , and for this reason it is good to drink 8 to 10 glasses a day.
  • Consult a nutritionist for a gradual weight loss plan, which can reduce our body fat reserves, and at the same time the fat-soluble toxins, which are the most dangerous. excesses harmful to our body.

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