How to eat less (and get full the same)?

How to eat less (and get full the same)?

How to eat less and get full the same? We already know the answer that comes to everyone’s mind, in the sense that we have talked about it more than once on Dcomedieta : taking into account that we can group foods according to their caloric density (i.e. how many calories they have per volume of food: for for example oil is a food with a high calorie density, celery is not), the most used trick to eat less when you are on a diet is to use low calorie foods to satiate ourselves. That is, essentially eating more vegetables and more fruit. 
If instead of eating 100 grams of spaghetti with sauce I eat 60 grams of spaghetti with 300 grams of sautéed zucchini,I will have obtained thanks to the vegetables a more satiating and less caloric dish than pasta with sauce.
One thing we have all tried, and which is the basis of many diets that are sponsored because “you don’t count calories” and you eat your fill. Then you go and see and you realize that there are unlimited foods (all those with low calorie density) and foods to avoid or limit (especially carbohydrates).
But maybe we are hungry while stuffing ourselves with vegetables: in which case what to do?
Here are other solutions that need to be tested a little on themselves: they don’t all work automatically, but it’s worth a try. ( CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO )

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