For a last-minute diet use your head

For a last-minute diet use your head

As summer approaches, people can’t think of themselves in lighter clothes without believing they need to lose weight, they want to go on a last-minute diet at all costs and it is often during these times that they make the worst decisions ever about. their health . Decisions that will affect them in the following months, making it increasingly difficult for them to know their body and take care of it. The only way to break this vicious circle is not to crash diets and not give in to the temptation to skip meals deliberately , without a shred of planning, simply with the intent of cutting portions and foods.

Other things I would like you to make an effort to consider is that, unless you are severely obese, there is evidence that you can have health in any size, and that both extreme thinness and extreme thickness can be problematic for your. well-being . Not only that: a bikini body is a body that wears a bikini, full stop. Don’t be a slave to trends and idioms just because others conform to a standard.
Now that I’m done lecturing, I tell you the things I would never do if I had to go on a last-minute diet.

– Fasting: Unless we are doing a controlled and regulated intermittent fasting program, don’t skip meals as an act of sacrifice to eat less. You get stressed and at the next meal or soon you will have compensatory behaviors, so you will eat more.
– Eating a protein diet for more than a month:whether it is protein or standard ketogenic, avoid a protein diet for more than a month, as it will then become increasingly difficult to get your body used to carbohydrates without cycling, without any carbohydrate meals on weekends, without serious planning and monitoring by a doctor. Green light for one or two weeks, perhaps with a free weekly meal, water and lemon or water and bicarbonate to purify yourself. – Strict low-calorie diet and then run, run, run:

do you know when those articles come out where it is said that exercise is useless? Most of the time we refer to those cardiovascular activities that go on for hours, such as: hours of running on the treadmill, hours of running early in the morning, hours of cycling. Prolonged cardio activity for hours, every day, depletes our lean mass and stresses us, damaging our hormonal balance. We must not go overboard with such activities. Not even to lose weight quickly.
– The substitute meal: I am against industrial substitute meals as well as any concoction that you cannot make yourself. It means admitting that you are unable to cook meals for yourself, but what will happen after you lose weight? And how the hell do you keep your fill of soups and bars?
If I can afford to advise you, don’t think of yourself as if you will no longer exist after the summer: you will have a body even then and an upside-down metabolism for crash diets. You can avoid this by using your head: you can go on a diet, but without obsessing yourself and without going to extreme measures.

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