Slimming drinks: cold matcha tea

Slimming drinks: cold matcha tea

Detoxifying, fat burning, antioxidant: matcha tea contains these three important properties, and is a fantastic ally for those who want to lose weight, much more than green tea. According to a recent study, those who want to lose weight should focus on matcha tea and turmeric milk / tea to lose weight more easily by helping their metabolism.
I had already talked about summer turmeric tea here, you can find the recipe here.
But those who focus on slimming drinks will find it more beneficial to alternate turmeric iced tea with this iced matcha tea, perfect for the summer

Its combination with fresh mint makes it perfect even in the early afternoon, as a fat burner and to deflate the belly.

(35 calories per serving)
two cups of water
two teaspoons of Matcha Tea
two cups of cubed ice
1 sliced ​​lime or half organic lemon sliced
​​a handful of fresh mint leaves
a teaspoon honey + stevia (or just stevia)
ginger powder (optional)

Procedure: mix the matcha tea powder with a few tablespoons of water, dissolving it in order to avoid lumps. Transfer the mixture to a jug, add the rest of the water, lime, mint and ice. Serve immediately.

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