Do you want to improve your metabolism? Have a varied diet

Do you want to improve your metabolism? Have a varied diet

Do you want to improve your metabolism , health and even lose weight? Well, focus on your shopping cart (weekly): do you always eat the same foods? Do you always prefer the same vegetables, the same types of fruit, do you eat bread and pasta of a certain type and even meat and fish are always the same? If the answer is yes, perhaps the only thing to improve the metabolism that he has never thought about is to revolutionize your trolley , and below I will explain why, through an experiment, that of Dr. Tim Spector, epidemiologist, of whom I had already spoken. when his book, “The Myth of the Diet” was released .
In fact, Tim Spector is a scientist who deals with debunking common dietary myths and focuses on the subjectivity of the individual as a key to success for his weight loss. For example , not by demonizing food, but by focusing on his gut health

This summer, Dr. Spector was a guest of the Hadza tribe,a Tanzanian tribe among the few in the world to still be linked to hunting and gathering (that is: they do not grow anything, procuring food in a primitive way). He ate like the Hadza, feeding on small wild animals, snake meat, berries, and Baobab fruit. The Hadza eat all the time, but they are all very thin. Upon his return, Dr. Spector ran tests and found that his bacterial flora had differentiated by 20%. Bacterial flora is a key element in improving metabolism.

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