Positive thinking that can help you lose weight

Positive thinking that can help you lose weight

Today I’m talking about something that is close to my heart: personally, I don’t really appreciate the rhetoric of winning thinking, positive thoughts, which are very “life coach” or cheap communication strategies. In particular, one thing I have learned the hard way is how flawed the communication of many fitness and nutrition experts is: that story of suffering, of no pain no gain, of making sacrifices to reach your goals of weight and well-being.
Well-being is not and should not be described as a sacrifice.Wellbeing is a “good to be”, that is, it means feeling good and finding oneself in harmony with oneself. On the contrary, today there is an all-or-nothing thought, of black and white, so if you want to get results you have to work hard. This is true up to a point, and, in weight loss and the fight against extra pounds, it is simplistic and on the contrary risks doing more harm than good.

If you are a coach or a coach and you impose this philosophy of all or nothing , sooner or later you will lose your clients, but above all you will lose the possibility of bringing more people on the path of physical improvement and well-being. If you are a nutritionist and you behave by beating those who ask you for a diet, as if he were a child, sooner or later that perfectly adult but weight-impaired person will abandon the diets and think he is a total failure.

The only positive thought that can help you lose weight, and I tell you this as an obese ex and a former person with eating disorders is thinking about moving forward, and not looking back , and I recently had confirmation from my personal trainer, professional athlete. at the highest levels. What does it mean?

It means that you can’t rule out falling again, failing again, or losing your purpose again along the way. The important thing, if you want to get a result, is to proceed step by step .
If you want to improve your nutrition, do not think of weight as a goal, but think about what you are doing day after day, what you are building, your health that does not go away for a day off or a week or two of vacation. In short, your path is like a thread with which you have traced a path behind you and which you can collect to find yourself. Don’t visualize sculpted abs and a slim, lean body, don’t have a standard, don’t think you have to exclude every food you like. Think about how you can make your table healthy day after day, one step at a time, in a way that for you is synonymous with well-being and a better life. Same thing for training .
Accidents happen, family commitments, they happen at all times not, those in which we see ourselves badly and out of shape in the mirror and we would like to give up everything, let ourselves be taken by laziness and do nothing, because it seems to us that it makes no sense to go on. On the other hand, the important thing is to keep going, not to think that everything is lost due to a fall, because the real goal is to maintain good habits for life. Not for a season. 

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