The Jenny Craig diet to lose 1 kg per week

The Jenny Craig diet to lose 1 kg per week

The Jenny Craig diet is one of the most famous weight loss regimes in the world, like the Weight Watchers diet. It boasts many exceptional testimonials and many successful cases.

This is a diet that uses meal replacements for weight loss and can cost up to $ 700 a month!
But rest assured. Dcomedieta reveals how to do it at no cost, while maintaining the dietary principles that will guarantee you weight loss .


The Jenny Craig diet is in fact a diet of small and frequent meals.

  • You eat up to 6 times a day, but all meals have the same amount of calories , from 150 (really drastic) to 250 calories a day (ideal for heavily overweight people). So doing two calculations we have.
  • A version of a diet of about 1000 calories with 6 small meals of about 150 calories each.
  • Or a more sustainable version to lose 1 kg per week with a plan of around 1200 calories.

Who is the Jenny Craig diet suitable for and how to lose 1 kg per week.

The Jenny Craig diet is suitable for those who want to lose weight but are sedentary, with the possibility of carving out time just for a few walks. She whom she tends to eat often during the day, she does not like too large meals and she has the possibility to have frequent meals.

A similar diet allows you to lose 4 kg per month if you do not do any kind of physical activity, 5 per month if you get into the habit of walking for an hour a day.

In general, the ideal thing to understand how to compose meals, however, is to calculate your total daily metabolism, eliminate 500 calories per day and divide the result by six.  For example, if you are over 45/50 years of age and you are small in stature (less than six feet tall) or sedentary, your normal energy requirement is probably around 1600 calories.

And to lose 1kg per week you will need a 1100 calorie diet with 6 180 calorie meals, or you can still choose this 1200 calorie split but you will lose around 3kg per month and 4kg per month walking.

The Jenny Craig Diet is a diet that focuses on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, legumes. Every small meal must be balanced, meaning it must contain a carbohydrate-based food, a protein-based one and a small percentage of fat.

On page two we see an example, but I recommend that you download a calorie counter app to be able to make your own plan and vary the foods. Remembering the two golden rules of the diet: 6 meals equal in calories; every balanced meal.

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