Trouble Losing Weight? The fault lies with the brain

Trouble Losing Weight? The fault lies with the brain

Trouble Losing Weight? According to a recent study, the fault could lie with our brain, which leads us to enormously desire the so-called junk food, that is a food rich in sugars, salt and fats and poor in vitamins and minerals, fibers, proteins instead. From a research published in Cell Metabolism magazine , it seems that some people have problems resisting the high-calorie foods typical of junk food, such as fries, pizza slices, biscuits, snacks and chips, or sausages. Problems with losing weight in these people would arise from the fact that their brain automatically registers these foods as more satisfying and desirable.compared to all other foods, and especially healthy foods. In short, for some people, junk food is always rewarding, while fruits and vegetables are depressing. And obviously, this pushes the person to be enticed and then satisfied only by certain foods, which turn on his brain, giving well-being and gratification, or to think about it constantly when trying to stay on a diet.

It seems that there are precise mechanisms by which the brain recognizes high-calorie, fatty and sugary foods as satisfying. Triggering hunger and desire for them automatically.
The problem? The problem is that this thing happens in most people, and obviously all people who habitually consume these foods are more sensitive to this brain recall . It will be much more difficult for them to go on a diet and they will always have problems losing weight. Yes, because the other aspect to consider is that with these foods it is difficult to limit oneself. And this is also a cerebral fact, and not of self-control or low motivation to lose weight .
The more we want, the more we eat and the less we’ll be able to say enough.
The solution? I’ll give you two. 
One: avoid having these foods at home. Since it is difficult to limit yourself, it is best to NEVER have them under your eyes.
Two: choose one trick only a week, to be done away from home. One mistake a week does not affect the weight loss diet, and allows us to stay motivated 90% of the time.

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