Sugar and diabetes: an uncertain link?
Does eating sugar cause diabetes (type 2)? According to a number of doctors and scientists, no . People who consume more sugars than others, whether in the form of complex carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, or in the form of simple sugars such as honey and fruit , do not have an increased risk of developing insulin resistance . But if the link between sugar and diabetes is uncertain, what are the causes of type 2 diabetes? The causes would be: a sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, a high-fat diet,
let’s see the reason through some studies released in recent years.
1) According to the European Prospective Investigation of the Cancer Norfolk Study , which analyzed a sample of over three thousand people (3400) aged 40 to 79, a diet with a higher glucose content or fructose was inversely related to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Even with sugary drinks. The risk was zero if the diet had a higher content of sucrose or starches from complex carbohydrates, with the same calories with diets that instead had more proteins and fats. However, the researchers determined that there is no risk as long as you keep the calories in the estimated energy requirement.
2) High blood sugar: a symptom and not the cause of type 2 diabetes. A recent study in Cell Metabolism explains how high blood sugar is a symptom of diabetes, but not its cause. Which would explain why, despite per capita sugar consumption having dropped in recent years, the rate of type 2 diabetes has increased, and low-glycemic or low-carb diets have not been shown to help statistically. Researchers have identified a possible cause of diabetes (and obesity and atherosclerosis) in a defect in the metabolite MG ( methylglyoxale ) that would compromise the functionality of some cells and cause insulin resistance. Antioxidant vitamins such as C and E would be helpful in the treatment.
3) Fruit and diabetes: an Asian study on a sample of 500,000 people followed for 7 years, established that those who ate much more fruit had a lower risk of getting type 2 diabetes. This in spite of fructose.
4) Sugar and diabetes in women: a study on over eighty thousand women released in 2018 pointed out that an increase in total sugars did not correspond to an increase in the risk of type 2 diabetes and significant cardiovascular risk. Researchers suspect, however, that the questionnaire-based method of analysis was not the best method, but it must also be said that ninety percent of studies that correlate diets with health and lifestyle adopt the exact same method.
5) Sugar and diabetes: weight loss with more carbohydrates. A study released in 2018 in The Lancet changed the diets of more than three hundred people with type 2 diabetes by increasing carbohydrates by 30% in a specific group. People who belonged to the group that ate more carbohydrates (of various types) lost weight (on average 10 kilos) and had diabetes remission up to elimination of drugs in half of the cases.
This research would partly explain the success of weight loss diets rich in both complex and fruit carbohydrates in the treatment of type 2 diabetes such as Dr. Kempner’s famous diet or the McDougall diet .
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