The one day diet before Valentine’s Day

The one day diet before Valentine’s Day

The diet of a day before Valentine’s Day is a compensation diet, or a diet day that allows us to arrive at Valentine’s Day less deflated and with a flatter stomach, and which can be done for a maximum of two consecutive days. .

In short, it is a last minute remedy for those who plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a restaurant or out with their partner, and want to be in top shape. Here is the menu to follow for a full day or at least two.


  • Breakfast
  • A glass of green tea with lemon juice and stevia.
  • A 120-gram ripe banana or 200-gram apple or pear baked in the oven with cinnamon.
  • 5-6 almonds and a cup of green tea with lemon juice and stevia.
  • Lunch
  • Mixed salad with a 100 gram carrot, a medium cucumber, a handful of valerian or songino, a raw fennel cut into thin strips, a teaspoon of oil and one of apple cider vinegar. Two rice cakes.
  • 5 almonds plus a mandarin.
  • A plate of pureed minestrone without legumes or potatoes or 200 grams of sautéed spinach + a teaspoon of oil.
    130 grams of grilled chicken or turkey breast or alternatively 120 grams of canned legumes (drained weight).
    A digestive herbal tea with stevia.

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