DNA diet? A normal diet is more effective

DNA diet? A normal diet is more effective

Avoid junk food, eat more vegetables and exercise.
These are the three recommendations that came out of a journalist who tried two DNA diet services , a diet that in theory allows you to have a personalized program based on the analysis of your genetic makeup. A little generic, don’t you think?

In spite of the fact that today many companies offer a DNA diet, with considerable costs to obtain a personalized approach based on one’s genetics, the results leave something to be desired.
According to Isaac Kohane , a biomedical and researcher at Harvard University, there’s a reason the DNA diet isn’t the answer to our extra pounds.


It’s true, genes explain a lot, but they don’t explain everything about us. Research in the genetic field, generally aimed at determining a greater risk of disease, with regard to nutrition has not made great strides, indeed. At the moment, in fact, explains the scientist, there is no scientific evidence that establishes that knowing a person’s DNA will allow him to have an effective personalized diet.

After hearing this researcher’s opinion, a reporter didn’t give up and chose two of the most famous companies to get a DNA diet. At a cost of around one hundred euros, he gave a sample of his saliva to both companies. These are the results.

La prima azienda ha fornito una documentazione che a un primo sguardo sembrava molto dettagliata. Andando a leggerla, tuttavia, il giornalista è rimasto sbigottito. Un documento spiegava la differenza tra carboidrati complessi e zuccheri semplici (questa la potete facilmente googlare, ma la sa pure mia nonna), e che termina dicendo di limitare gli zuccheri al dieci per cento delle calorie giornaliere. Esattamente quanto raccomanda l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità.

Il report della seconda azienda non è andato troppo lontano. Nel report c’era scritto di limitare i cibi bruciacchiati, di assumere un integratore di grassi omega3 per tenere a bada il colesterolo, di limitare i grassi saturi al dieci per cento delle calorie totali. Altre cose che si sanno senza spendere cento euro in test genetici.

At the moment, as I wrote in this article on the genetic diet , give yourself a gift and use this money for something else.
With one hundred euros you can have a dinner out, but I recommend it. Avoid eating scorched foods in restaurants.

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