Dr. Oz’s 1300 calorie diet of superfoods

Dr. Oz’s 1300 calorie diet of superfoods

Dr. Oz’s superfood diet is an anti-inflammatory regimen that includes as many as 50 antioxidant and immunostimulating foods for our well-being, which we see here in a 1300 calorie slimming version, ideal for losing one size per month.

Those who do not need to lose weight can use the same diet by increasing the quantities.
It is a natural vegetarian diet, with few animal proteins and more legumes, to be followed 6 days a week. Here is the plan.


  • Before breakfast.

    You can choose one of these drinks to drink in the morning as soon as you wake up.
    – Dr Oz turmeric drink (one glass)
    – Otherwise, water with the juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of açai berry powder.

  • Breakfast. Choice between.

    – 125 grams of low-fat white yogurt with a tablespoon of oat flakes and a teaspoon of sunflower flakes + 100 grams of ripe banana and a cup of green tea with stevia.
    – Smoothie with 150 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt, 50 grams of ripe banana or 100 grams of red fruits, a teaspoon of bitter cocoa, stevia, a teaspoon of sunflower seeds or hemp seeds or chia seeds. Coffee or green tea with stevia.
    – Overnight porridgeobtained by mixing 20 grams of oat germ in 200 ml of sugar-free almond milk and stevia. Mix the ingredients the night before in a glass, cover with cling film and keep overnight in the fridge. In the morning, enjoy the cold cream with 100 grams of kiwi in pieces or 3 chopped prunes and cinnamon + a teaspoon of sunflower seeds. Coffee or green tea with stevia.

  • Snack.

    – 100 ml of orange juice or 100 grams of red fruits + 10 almonds, or
    – a wasa slice or a rice / corn cake with 50 grams of avocado.

  • Lunch. Choice between.

    – 50 grams of oats in grains or quinoa (alternatively wholemeal pasta or brown rice) seasoned with 200 grams of vegetables of your choice between Chinese cabbage, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green peppers, mushrooms, pumpkin, spinach, rocket . One teaspoon of olive oil or one teaspoon of coconut oil. Spices and herbs to taste. A digestive herbal tea + or 2 walnuts or 10 grams of extra dark chocolate.
    – 55 grams of beans (from dry) or lentils (from dry) boiled with spices, garlic, flavorings. Raw cucumber, radish and spinach salad or rocket salad with a teaspoon of olive oil. A digestive herbal tea + either 2 walnuts or 10 grams of extra dark chocolate.
    – 200 grams of chopped beets with olive oil (one teaspoon) and fresh mint + 25 grams of toasted wholemeal bread with 50 grams of avocado spread on top, a pinch of salt and a little lemon juice or mustard. A digestive herbal tea + 3 almonds.

  • Choice of snack between.

    200 ml of pomegranate juice + two walnuts.
    Or 200 grams of clementines + 2 almonds
    Or finally 130 grams of sliced ​​apple with 5 grams of almond butter.

  • Dinner. Choice between.

    – 100 grams of ricotta or 60 grams of primosale / feta cheese or 150 grams of cottage cheese + 200 grams of vegetables of your choice with a teaspoon of olive oil. 25 grams of wholemeal bread. 100 grams of red fruits, clementines, kiwis, fresh pineapple.
    – 2 fried eggs cooked in a non-stick pan + 200 grams of chard, black cabbage, pumpkin or mushrooms with herbs and spices. 100 grams of baked sweet potatoes or new potatoes with a teaspoon of oil and rosemary. 50 grams of red fruits, clementines, kiwis, fresh pineapple.
    – 100 grams of fresh salmon (once a week) or 80 gr. of smoked salmon + 200 grams of spinach stir-fried with a level teaspoon of butter and one of Parmesan cheese. 100 grams of pineapple or kiwi.
    – Alternatively, a smoothie with 150 grams of skimmed Greek yogurt + 150 grams of red fruits or 100 grams of ripe banana + 40 grams of avocado or 10 of dark chocolate + a teaspoon of chia seeds.
    – Or salad with 150 grams of boiled corona beans, celery, red onion, radishes + a teaspoon of oil + one linseed. 25 grams of toasted wholemeal bread with tomato and a teaspoon of oil. A herbal tea with fennel seeds and 2 prunes.

  • On page two we see how to behave on the day off

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