Meal prep to lose weight and compose menus

Meal prep to lose weight and compose menus

Meal Prep, a shortened expression that comes from Meal Prepping, or “Preparing meals”, is a well-known practice abroad for making your own food menus.

Once you understand how it works, the Meal Prep is a really useful tool both for those who want to maintain their body weight and for those who have problems gaining weight, suffer from sudden hunger and want to lose weight.

Many people who want to go on a diet or want to regulate themselves with meals have two main problems.

  • The first big problem is that they panic when they don’t have everyday menus in the diet.

    On Dcomedieta, for example, you will find many diets with a weekly scheme, and not with menus for Monday, Tuesday and so on. In a diagram you can find, for example, pasta OR rice OR bread + a second course of meat OR fish etc. for lunch. I noticed that this thing makes many people panic, who promptly ask me: “But what do I cook on Tuesdays?”, For fear of making a mistake.
    So in general a lot of people panic about not having strict rules of a menu. Strange but true.

  • The second problem is the time factor.

    People generally have a little more time on the weekend, they are in a rush during the week. Without meal planning, they get a little feeling with what to eat. Many, for example, manage to control themselves all day, then arrive in the evening and try to organize something quick with what they have in the fridge. With the result, however, that hunger does not allow them to control how much they eat and what.

Meal Prep solves both of these problems as we shall see.


The Meal Prep is a method that allows, on the day when you have more time, to organize all the meals of the week in order to have the dish practically ready for every day. Obviously at first it may seem strange to plan the weekly menu, but it all takes you about two hours on Sunday and Saturday, with two advantages.

  • A HUGE savings in both time and money throughout the rest of the week.
  • The ability to balance diet and nutrients so you can eat well and healthy every day.
    Think you can get home on Wednesday night and know that in ten minutes you can be at the table.
    Let’s see how it’s done.


Let’s see how to do the meal prep correctly. There are various ways, we will see the most practical and easy.

  1. Choose one day a week to dedicate to meal prep.

    This day for many is Saturday or Sunday. So let’s remember that we must have already done the shopping for that day.

  2.  Start planning one meal a day or two.

    With the Meal Prep you can plan: dinner for the whole week or both lunch and dinner.
    For example, lunch to take to work plus dinner to eat at home. Or, if we already know what to do for lunch, just dinner. There are those who also do it for breakfast.

  3. Make sure you have all the utensils for your Meal prep.

    You will need a freezer, space in the fridge, cling film or aluminum foil, food containers that can either go into the microwave or oven or you can take to work. Consider seven for the dinner meal only and seven if you want to plan lunch as well. Or you are for meal if you want to keep free on Sunday. Even labels can be a way to understand what to eat one day and what another.

  4. Consider that the first meals for the first two or three days you can keep them in the fridge, freeze the rest.

  5. Each meal should generally be balanced.

  6. You have to cook things that can then be frozen or stored in the fridge.

    Once this is done … grab a pen and paper.


Let’s see for example the meal prep scheme for lunch and dinner.
Every meal must have.
A share of carbohydrates + a share of proteins + a small share of fat + a share of fiber.

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