6 ways to lose those extra winter pounds

6 ways to lose those extra winter pounds

Are there any tricks to lose the extra pounds that we have accumulated with the winter and with the present and past holidays?

There are six ways to lose the extra pounds that we accumulate in the winter without resorting to a proper diet: from increasing some foods at the table to some tricks to make us go hungry. Let’s see them together.


Soak up the sun.

Years ago the sun diet came out, so those who sunbathed in the morning tended to be thinner than those who stayed indoors. The sun increases our production of vitamin D, useful for metabolism, and discourages nervous hunger and in particular the desire for sweets. You can take a walk or even stay on the balcony on sunny days, favoring the morning hours. If your blood tests reveal a lack of vitamin D, in agreement with your doctor you could try to take a supplement, to be suspended in the summer. Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to promote overweight.

Detoxify with dandelion.

Dandelion or dandelion is a plant with diuretic and purifying properties of the liver. Especially in the change of seasons and in the passage from winter to spring, dandelion helps us to dispose of fats more easily and to drain us. It should be taken especially in the morning after breakfast, and after lunch. It contains inulin which promotes a healthy bacterial flora, and a substance, dandelion, which helps the pancreas work. This is the product to look for.
Dandelion Erbecedario Hydroalcoholic Solution, For Liver And Kidney Purification, For Regulating Blood Fats And Triglycerides, Promotes Digestion .

Try aromatherapy

Inhaling the scent of mint, grapefruit or banana would help us have a greater sense of satiety and automatically eat less. To try this trick, just buy an essential oil to rub on your wrist or keep in your handbag and “sniff” it at the first craving for food.

Drink water before main meals

Exactly it is necessary to drink it twenty minutes before, because at the time of the meal we get the sense of satiety given by the water. An effective trick to eat less. If you’re interested, try Dr. Sorrentino’s new water diet. 

Make yourself a juice of raw vegetables in the morning.

We help our metabolism with a vegetable juice, for example fennel, spinach, ginger, cucumbers elongated with grapefruit juice or sugar-free pineapple. A surplus of vitamins, mineral salts and fibers that awaken the metabolism and fight water retention.
Try this bombshell recipe instead of breakfast. 

Eat 100 grams of raw carrot before lunch and dinner

Associate it with a glass of water. Raw carrot, in a total dose of 200 grams before main meals (half for lunch and half for dinner) reduces cholesterol and reduces the absorption of fats that we take with the meal. It is also very filling, so it is ideal as a hunger breaker so as not to get too hungry for lunch and dinner. Also ideal for those with cardiovascular problems, it stimulates the production of collagen and reduces the risk of diabetes. Its fibers have antibacterial properties, especially suitable for those with intestinal problems. Peel a large carrot and munch on it without remorse (no to baby carrots and packaged carrot salads).

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