5 things to do if you’ve eaten too much

5 things to do if you’ve eaten too much

According to Dr. Matthew Metz there are 5 things to do if we think we have eaten too much.

What happens, for example, when we are invited to dinner out, we have a bridge for the holidays or an eating weekend, there are holidays or holidays that have made us put on a bit of weight.  These are 5 tips to act immediately, avoiding too drastic diets or solutions such as “from tomorrow on a diet” which generally produce the opposite effect.

They make us eat even more during this break from good nutrition, a behavior generally referred to as the ” last meal syndrome “.


  • Don’t get down on yourself.

    There is no need to feel bad already when you eat at the thought of the diet and the days of drastic measures to lighten you, this attitude is very wrong, because it makes you associate guilt with food.
    Instead, relax while you eat and think that when you eat too much, it is normal to keep yourself a little lighter for a few days. This has been done for thousands of years, man is used to having famines and periods of overabundant food.
    You are not following any wrong behavior, you are human.
    Even the light period must be seen as a moment of intestinal relaxation, not a punishment.
    You must think that after eating too much it is normal to eat less for a day or two. Since our ancestors, man has been accustomed to alternating periods of overeating with periods of famine.

  • From the day after, stay hydrated.

    You can hydrate more by drinking water and purifying herbal teas, but also by eating raw fruit and vegetables for one or two days, also rich in minerals and vitamins that reduce post-binge swelling.
    So off to salads for lunch and dinner and raw vegetable snacks, which you can make more special with a drizzle of oil or a teaspoon of almond butter.
    Even a nice DIY smoothie, blending 125 grams of low-fat Greek yogurt with cucumber / a slice of melon or pineapple / basil or mint leaves and a wedge of fennel and a little ginger, is a way to help the body to to recover.

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