5 purifying and draining drinks to drink in autumn

5 purifying and draining drinks to drink in autumn

Autumn and winter are crucial months for those who tend to gain weight. As I explained in this recent article on the right snacks to eat in the fall, the cold months push us to eat foods that are dense in calories and mostly sweet or fatty (or both) also as a reaction to the reduction of sunlight which worsens our hormone profile.

At the same time, even during the cold months it is good to include diuretic and draining foods in the diet to combat cellulite and water retention.

These 5 purifying and draining drinks can help us both to fight the water retention of the coldest and darkest months of the year and to reduce the desire for fatty and sweet foods that increases with the reduction of the hours of sunlight.

They are low-calorie and perfect for those who want to maintain weight or lose a few pounds.


  1. Apple peel water.
    This detox water has almost 0 calories, but is rich in minerals and metabolites from apple peel, which have a slimming effect. Here is the recipe to try it.
  2. Hot chocolate is detoxifying.
    A spiced chocolate that reduces our hunger for sweets but at the same time is hypoglycemic and fat-burning, as well as rich in antioxidants. A real health bomb. Drink it as a snack or for breakfast paired with a low-fat Greek yogurt. Find the recipe here.
  3. Turmeric milk.
    Called Golden Milk, it is a drink with a strong anti-inflammatory effect, which enhances digestion. The spice mix helps us burn more calories and lower blood sugar. Find the recipe here.
  4. Goji berry tea.
    We can enrich this herbal tea with a piece of ginger. It allows us to get the best of goji berries to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. Here the recipe. 
  5. The special fat-burning coffee. 
    This coffee combines the purifying properties for the liver of caffeine, which is also a stimulant of the metabolism, with the purifying and regulating properties of lemon. An unusual combination that has a unique flavor and that I invite you to try in the morning. 

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