5 foods not to eat at all

5 foods not to eat at all

Today we see 5 foods not to eat absolutely.
Curious? I hope so, because these foods are not really the same for everyone, but I advise everyone to avoid them.
First, we are not talking about specific foods.
I’m not going to tell you to avoid dairy products, or refined flours, or some type of vegetable or chocolate.

These are the only five categories of foods that we should all avoid in order to have a diet that is healthy, but that is also not too expensive or prohibitive . In fact, there are no yes and no foods that can be 100% the same for everyone, contrary to what is believed. Because it is the dose that does the damage.

Broccoli, for example, is undoubtedly a healthy food.
But if you eat 3 pounds of broccoli a day, excess fiber and even folate can make you sick by interfering with your digestion. When eaten raw, broccoli is goiter.
Does this mean that broccoli is a food to avoid? No.
But likewise there is nothing wrong with eating a cube of dark chocolate a day.

In short, if you want to have a healthy diet, you have to put one thing in your head.
That your diet, to be healthy, must be complete .
Only in this way will it also be nutritionally adequate.
Only if we avoid excluding certain foods, because we are convinced that they harm us, will we be able to avoid deficiencies.

Having food shortages is the best way to.

  • Creating health problems.
  • Get a slow metabolism.
  • Not being able to stay at a healthy weight.

So if you are convinced that there are foods not to eat for a healthy diet, I can assure you that for every food you can now find studies that can confirm your suspicions and studies that instead say the exact opposite.

Yet there are five categories of foods that you still need to stay away from. Here are which ones.


    1. Exotic foods, which have incredible properties, but which cost a fortune. 

      Every week you have to make sure that your shopping cart does NOT contain the same things.
      This means aiming for quality food every week, especially local ones, varying the type.

      However, if you spend money on exotic or very expensive foods, foods that cost you ten or twenty euros per hundred grams, it will be difficult to pay attention to the rest of the shopping.
      Also, the idea that a “superfood” can solve your health problems is wrong.
      Better to spend those pennies for local but quality products, from the controlled supply chain, or for organic and seasonal fruit and vegetables.

    2. Foods that cause intestinal disturbances, adverse effects, and of which you suspect an intolerance. 

      Assuming you can take tests if you suspect intolerances, if a food causes you a bloated belly, intestinal irritability, cramps, problems with regularity, it may be the healthiest food in the world, but it’s not good for you.
      There is no point in saying that in general that food is healthy.

      If I cannot tolerate bran, it is useless to try to eat more flour, pasta and wholemeal bread.
      Yes, integral is good, but your symptoms shouldn’t be ignored.
      Keeping a food diary of the foods that cause us digestive problems and trying to eliminate them for a while is the best and most effective way to solve your intestinal problems. Although these foods are in theory healthy.

    3. Foods that are in fashion or are healthy according to the guidelines, but that disgust you. 

      I know a lot of people who say they don’t like some vegetables, that they just can’t stand the liver, that they are sick from whey protein, or that they don’t like tofu.
      Yet they persist in eating these foods, making themselves sick and retching, because “they are healthy”.
      It is absolutely correct to aim for nutritionally valid foods, but if you have to force yourself to eat them, then avoid.

      Life is stressful in its own right, and eating must always be something that gives you satisfaction as well as well-being. In any case, the table must be a pleasure, not a purge.
      Instead, she tries to pay attention to the foods that give you this feeling of well-being.
      That you not only love to eat, but that you feel in line with your body, with your digestion, with your energy levels.

    4. Foods that have a list of ingredients that you don’t understand. 

      Today we are chock full of foods that have a very long list of ingredients. Be honest. When you read them, do you recognize them all?
      Have you ever researched some additives? Have you ever wondered what certain acronyms correspond to?
      I’ll give you a tip.
      If you don’t recognize some of the ingredients, leave the food on the shelf.
      This is especially important if you shop online for slimming products.
      Don’t stop at what they promise .
      Read the ingredients list. And if the ingredients are strangely unavailable, avoid buying.

    5. The foods that make you burn the most calories. 

      Foods that cause you to burn more calories than other foods are typically protein ones.
      The body spends some calories to digest them. Be careful though.

      Can you go on a protein-only diet to burn more calories?
      No, because the effect of this protein diet on metabolism would negate its thermogenic effect.
      Is it okay to drink 4 or 5 cups of green tea a day to burn more calories?
      No, because the tannins in green tea interfere with your digestion, and worse, too much green tea has toxic effects on the liver.
      As you can see, choosing food to lose weight is the worst way to eat. You only risk making the situation worse. In your diet, if you want to lose weight, what matters is the calorie deficit.
      So don’t overuse certain foods for the sole purpose of burning more calories.

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