The Robot diet to lose 5 kilos per month

The Robot diet to lose 5 kilos per month

Have you ever heard of the Robot diet?
It has a downside: it’s boring.
It has advantages.

  • The first benefit of the Robot diet is that it makes you lose weight.
  • The second is that you don’t have to count calories.
  •  The third is that the Robot diet is a very easy diet to follow, it doesn’t take your time.

But what exactly is the Robot Diet?
The Robot Diet is a diet based on two simple rules. 

  • Eat the same amounts of food every day.
  • You consume, with few variations, practically the same foods every day. You only have categories to follow.

Here is the reason why the Robot diet is called this. Basically, it’s a very simplified automatic diet that is based on eating the same foods every day.
It has been proposed as an effective weight loss method by many experts, from Tim Ferriss to Chris Masterjohn .

La dieta robot ti permette di stare alla larga dai cibi che ti causano sovrappeso, quelli su cui non riesci a controllarti, e ti fa sentire molta meno fame, soprattutto dopo i primi giorni. All’inizio come ho detto la dieta Robot è noiosa. Ma ha il grosso vantaggio di spostare la tua attenzione dal cibo verso altre cose e di ridurre sensibilmente la fame.
Inoltre, risparmi anche un sacco di soldi e tempo.
Vediamo come farla. Puoi scegliere tu se farla vegetariana, vegana o onnivora.


The Robot diet is based on a few categories of foods to be consumed every day.
The only variation is that of the type of food by category.
Food cooking must be as simple as possible. Boiled, stewed, baked, grilled, but not fried or fried.
The only thing you need to do is write down the food list and follow the pattern.

If you lose too much weight, increase the amounts of Category Three foods by 20 grams per week.
Once a week you can vary the type of fruit, or use pasta instead of rice or the same amount of bread instead of biscuits. However, choose only one variation to the plan and only once a week.
After 3 months, you can only have one free meal per week.
About 5-6 kilos are lost per month.
There are those who lose more, or up to 8-10 kilos.


Every day for all your meals you must take only the foods contained in each category, and not others.
I specify that with respect to the suggested categories, for example on this site , I have added others, in accordance with subsequent research and other diets
 (for example the diet of Tim Ferriss ).

The list and plan that follow are therefore the result of my work as a bio-nutritionist with lots of research from different sources, and the one you find online has been copied (and badly) by Dcomedieta.

  • Foods of category 1.

    To be taken in desired quantity.
    Salad, pumpkin, radicchio, radish, sauerkraut, seaweed, spinach, kale, chard, chicory, fennel, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, onions, aubergines, peppers, Chinese cabbage or savoy cabbage. Spices, herbs and hibiscus tea.

  • Foods of category 2. Foods to be taken for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the recommended doses (one for each type and one for each meal).

    Eggs (two, but maximum once a day), dried beans or lentils of all kinds (50 grams) or 150 grams from boiled, fresh peas 150 grams, chicken / turkey breast 125 grams, cod 125 grams, chickpea flour (50 grams), Grana Padano (40 grams, but maximum once a day), 150 grams of skimmed and white Greek yogurt, egg whites.

  • Category 3 foods. Foods to be taken in three portions a day, one for each type and one for each meal

    You can choose whether to have breakfast, lunch or dinner or in two meals or in one meal, as long as they are 3 portions in total for this category. 
    Quinoa or basmati rice (35 grams), beets (up to 250 grams), carrots (200 grams), rice cakes (35 grams), potatoes (150 grams), blueberries, currants or raspberries (200 grams).

  • Foods of category 4. Foods to be taken in a portion per day overall (one of your choice or a mix for those of the same weight).

    You can choose to divide this portion into several meals.
    For example: 10 grams of walnuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    Avocado (100 grams), walnuts (30 grams), hemp seeds (30 grams), sunflower seeds (30 grams), dark chocolate (30 grams), almonds (30 grams).

Not used: olive oil, sugar, sweeteners even with zero calories.
You can use: a little vinegar or lemon juice.
You can drink coffee a day. You can drink water in the desired quantity.
Let’s see the scheme.



A portion of red fruits or rice cakes. Two eggs or a portion of grana padano or chickpea porridge. A coffee.

Snacks (3 per day)

10 grams of almonds or 30 grams of avocado or 10 grams of dark chocolate.

Lunch and dinner.

One serving of category 3 carbohydrates. One serving from category 2. Free portion of category 1.

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