5 diets of 1300 calories recommended by Dcomedieta

5 diets of 1300 calories recommended by Dcomedieta

Today I list 5 diets of 1300 calories that can make you lose half a kilo to a kilo a week, are balanced and meet various needs. You can get inspired by these absolutely free weight loss programs and propose them to your doctor to start losing weight.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for 1000 calorie diets or 1200 calorie diets, on Dcomedieta I have created guides that contain so many and different ones that you are spoiled for choice.

Here you will find the guide for 1000 calorie diets and here the one for 1200 calorie diets .

In this article we see instead 5 diets of 1300 calories created by nutritionists and dieticians.


  • How to choose your diet.

    To choose a diet you need to consider not only the daily calories, but also the menu: there are food plans that may be more suited to your lifestyle and that may have foods that you like best. You must take into account that the diet must be followed faithfully to have results, and that motivation is essential. So try to choose a diet that fits easily with your lifestyle.

    Click on the 1300 calorie diet titles to open the links and see the menus.

  1. Doctor Scatozza’s diet.

    It is a low glycemic load regimen, with natural foods to fill up on vitamins and minerals. Made by the famous doctor Diana Scatozza, nutritionist.

  2. Doctor Migliaccio’s 1300 calorie diet.

    This diet is designed to counteract free radicals, and in fact includes many foods with antioxidant properties. Ideal for those who love fish, legumes, dairy products and instead want to reduce meat. Made by Dr. Migliaccio, Doctor of Food Sciences.

  3. Dr. Calabrese’s intelligent diet.

    This very famous regimen from Professor Giorgio Calabrese provides you with 1300 to 1350 calories per day. It is a plan inspired by the Mediterranean diet that has been a huge success among the readers of Dcomedieta. Some have even lost 20 or 30 pounds with his program. For the maintenance plan go here.

  4. Dr. Isaacs’ hormonal diet.

    This is a 1300 calorie diet designed for those with hormonal problems, including menopausal women and those with thyroid problems. Including maintenance plan.

  5. Flexible slimming Mediterranean diet.

    This modified Mediterranean diet follows the 80/20 approach. That is, it allows you to include foods that we like, and was created by Dr. Laura Ligos, an American nutritionist.

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