1500 calorie diet against stubborn fat

1500 calorie diet against stubborn fat

Here is an example of a 1500 calorie diet , ideal for a woman with a requirement of 1800/2000 calories, who wants to reduce body fat.

This plan was devised by  American dietician Megan Casper .

This way you lose two kilos a month in the right places.
That is, without affecting lean mass and reducing metabolism.

Obviously you need to train 3-4 times a week, for example in the gym.
However, you should avoid long sessions and focus on fewer repetitions and higher volumes of weight.

In this way it goes to attack the stubborn fat.


  • Here is the outline of the 1500 calorie diet. 
    Choose from alternatives 1 or 2.

    Breakfast 1.
    150g full-fat Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of red fruits or half a kiwi or a wedge of apple or pear or a teaspoon of honey.
    15 grams of almonds, walnuts or pistachios.
    A coffee or tea with stevia and a little skim milk.

    Breakfast 2.

    Two egg omelette or one egg and one egg white with a teaspoon of butter.
    3 rusks or a 150 gram fruit including pear / apple / orange / kiwi / peach / red fruit.
    2 teaspoons of jam or one of honey, coffee or tea with stevia.

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