10 things to do to lose weight in the fall
Do you want to lose weight starting from autumn, so as not to find yourself at the winter holidays with some heavy memories of the summer holidays, or simply because you just want to lose weight period? Today we see 10 things you absolutely must do to lose weight starting in September , without a specific diet plan but with good habits that will reduce your weight.
- Focus on antioxidants: it is starting from autumn that, with the change of seasons and climates, but also with the progressive reduction of sunlight, the body needs more help from functional and antioxidant foods. Try getting more vitamin C, and throughout the day, yes to cups of green or matcha tea to boost metabolism and immune defenses. So try taking a supplement with Vitamin C and Rosehip Vitamin C + bioflavonoids like this
 in the morning, and from mid-morning to mid-afternoon, drink a maximum of one or two cups of green tea or matcha tea. You can also take matcha in centrifuged and smoothies.
- And on other functional foods:Â counteract nervous hunger with quality dark chocolate (the darker the better), and use cinnamon powder and clove powder for your sweet dishes to modulate the glycemic response.
- Do (or start doing) physical activity: go ahead for brisk walks every day, if you really are unable to go to the gym, otherwise, do the gym at least twice a week for a good full body with weights. The time has come to burn your energy resources by promoting lean mass, thus avoiding restrictive diets. Another very important thing is to reduce the time you spend sitting. Stand up more to burn more.
- Sleep Better: Try to improve your sleep quality by sleeping in a cool, dark room, and turning off any electronic devices after half past ten in the evening. Night lights also need to be warm, not cold. Use these little tips in bed to improve your metabolism.
- Eat Spicy: Now that the heat is gone, you have no more excuses not to eat spicy. Use pepper in association with turmeric and a little olive oil in vegetable-based dishes, to assimilate curcumin, a natural detoxifier and anti-inflammatory; use chilli to get more capsaicin, which boosts metabolism.
- Moderate at the table with the rules of the intelligent dish: it is called Healthy Plate and is a new way to visualize the rules of a healthy diet instead of the food pyramid, which has also taken hold in recent years in the guidelines of the various countries. So visualize your plate for lunch and dinner like this: half of the plate of raw and cooked vegetables seasoned very lightly. A quarter of the dish with carbohydrates (to be put already cooked) and a quarter of the dish with proteins such as fish, white meats, legumes, tofu, tempeh. Move the fruit at snack time, pairing it with Greek yogurt. To learn more, read: How to lose weight with the healthy dish .
- Start the day with a probiotic. A nice glass of kefir milk or water is a great way to start the day. The climatic changes also have consequences on the intestinal flora, acting as a stressor. So help yourself with a probiotic and, if you really want to get off to a great start, try a Budwig cream in a traditional or vegan recipe for breakfast .
- Go for herbal teas: there is no need to buy expensive products like “fit teas” to lose weight, you can learn how to make them yourself, try this recipe.Â
- Go out, go out, go out: from autumn onwards, the time we spend outside is reduced, and this is not good. In the evening, go out whenever you can for a walk before or after dinner, for a movie or a glass of red wine with friends.
- Revolutionize your pantry with some vegan dishes: try eating differently, increasing your protein consumption thanks to some vegan resources. My favorites are wheat muscle , lupine cured meats and lupine flour products, tempeh (a fermented soy product). In an organic shop you are now spoiled for choice.
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