Yes, calorie-free sweeteners make you fat

Yes, calorie-free sweeteners make you fat

artificial sweeteners photosIf it has no calories, how does it make me fat? Those who use artificial or natural calorie-free sweeteners, such as stevia or dietor, are usually asked because they have heard that they make you fat. It is in fact news that has been circulating for a year or two and it is clearly frightening news: we can all do without sweeteners for coffee, but what about soft drinks? What about sugar-free desserts? Often sticking to zero coke was the only hope for those on a diet, as was having ten coffees to stop hunger. What can be done instead of taking stuff with sweeteners without taking in extra calories, swallowing air? Making snacks from pure cellulose?
Yet it is so. Sweeteners make you fat, whether they are artificial sweeteners or natural sweeteners. The reasons are many, I will summarize some of them

Zero calorie sweeteners can cause metabolic disturbances: each sweet taste must correspond to a change in blood sugar, which in turn corresponds to a change in insulin, in short, it must give something in terms of carbohydrates , what the body expects. The moment we give something sweet that corresponds to zero nutritional power and zero carbohydrate power , the body is deceived: have you ever wondered what are the effects of this deception? Well, some researchers did, finding that all sweeteners are zero caloriethey cause an alteration of the sense of hunger, an increase in nervous hunger and in particular of the hunger for sugars, pushing us to seek sweet even when we do not need it, even distorting the sense of taste. This also happens with stevia .
Add to this the psychological factor: the more we resort to the sweetener, the more we feel empowered to take those calories somewhere else.
What is the solution? There is one, and it is the solution adopted by me . I’ve seen a significant change in my sense of taste for sweet things since I stopped taking both artificial sweeteners and stevia to sweeten my coffee. I drink it bitter.I eat sweets with fructose, but use very little of it, about seventy grams for a cake, trying to sweeten with naturally sweet alternatives such as soy milk (sugar free), fruit, sugar free juices (apple juice). The result?Bitter coffee does not bother me as it used to, my desserts seem sweet to me in a satisfying way while sweets such as ice cream or packaged sweets have started to make me sick. Too sweet! Sometimes the ice cream (a small cup) I can’t finish it. Too much sugary pastry makes me sick. I think it’s the effect of using less sugar for health, I suddenly realized that we all eat too much sugar. A bar like Mars? Now I wouldn’t be able to eat it all. A lot of the things we routinely eat have suddenly turned out to be very, too sweet. The solution is to reduce sweets to a minimum, avoiding sweetening whenever we felt the need, limiting ourselves to the sweetness of homemade desserts (if dietetic, of course), dark chocolate, and especially fruit.

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