Worldwide food issues:
Today it is very alarming condition about health and food security. There are about more than 800 peoples are sleeping without food. It’s our duty that along with diet plan and proper health related information we should to be work for world hunger. In this article I will discuss about world hunger, food security, major global food problems, WTO and how to solve these problems.
World Hunger:
How can we define hunger? Do you know? We can define hunger as:
Condition in which food is unsecured and not available in sufficient amount. Hunger main cause malnutrition and poverty. It may increase rate of death than rate of birth. According to a survey there are about 820 million peoples are hungry. There are many departments that are working on world hunger. The most important is United Nation. According Millennium Goals of United Nation Zero hunger is most important goal. The proportion of undernourished and hungry people in the world has declined from 15 percent in 2000 to 2004 to eleven percent in with the work of Millennium goals.
According to a survey:
Food expenditures of a family in Germany are: 500$ in one week on the other hand food expenditures of family in Chad are 1.23 $, There is great gap between both families.
Food insecurity:
What is food security?
We can define food security is availability of food physically and economically is called food security. Food security is very important to reduce hunger and poverty from an area. As it we can define food insecurity as: unavailability of food in an area. We can say that food insecurity is unviability of healthy and adequate amount of food for a person. Usually it is economically some time may it is physically.
According to united nation there are about 900 million peoples are undernourished and suffering from hunger.
Causes of food insecurity:
There many reasons of food insecurity in an area but most common are given below:
Drought and Conflicts:
It is most common reason for food insecurity especially in Ethiopia and African areas.
It is also other causes of food insecurity there are about 767 million peoples are poor in this world. Poverty leads Hunger and food insecurity. It may lead economical unavailability of food in a country. Due to poverty there are about 45% child are suffering from under nutrition. That may leads increase child death rate.
Climatic changes:
It is also a cause of food insecurity. Because climatic change damages crop production that may leads poverty and food insecurity.
Management and Policies:
Bad policies and improper management in country cause food insecurity.
Area and province discrimination also cause food insecurity. Due to political issues food insecurity increase.
Major Global food problems:
It’s an emergence condition in many under developing countries. Some major food issues in world are given below:
Food Insecurity:
We can say that food insecurity is unviability of healthy and adequate amount of food for a person. Usually it is economically some time may it is physically. According to united nation there are about 900 million peoples are undernourished and suffering from hunger. It is major problem in many countries.
Agriculture techniques:
Poor agriculture techniques are also a major problem in worldwide food safety. In African areas crops are burn due to conflicts and droughts. They may reduce quantity of crop and leads to economically unavailability of food.
It is also other causes of food insecurity there are about 767 million peoples are poor in this world. Poverty leads Hunger and food insecurity. It may lead economical unavailability of food in a country. Due to poverty there are about 45% child are suffering from under nutrition. That may leads increase child death rate. In some under developing countries it is also a major problem.
Our motive should me zero hunger.
We should to be increase agricultural awareness
Increase food security
Make best policies without political benefits
We should prompt genetic modification GMO in agricultural crops
Remove difference of area, race and color
In the light of above discussion we can say that there are many problems in global food policies and food security. We should work on these problems and increase food security.
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