Work related stress is worse than bad eating

Work related stress is worse than bad eating

stress-workplace-top-reasons1According to a  new study by Harvard University Business School, in collaboration with Stanford University, work-related stress – the kind of pressure we feel at work when we feel like we can’t do everything, give too much or get harassed in office, it would be as bad as a bad diet or secondhand smoke . Health damage would be similar.
As I wrote here too, in fact, many people who want to lose weight and get better, should avoid food restrictions and focus on alleviating environmental stress, starting with work. In fact, when faced with stress, the body reacts by lowering the immune defenses, lowering the metabolism and triggering nervous hunger, but it does not end there: according to the survey I mentioned earlier, a meta-analysis that led researchers to compare the results of 225 studies on the subject, stress has effects on mental health and body similar to an unhealthy diet, sedentariness and passive smoking.

But how to get out of it? In fact, one cannot stop working , but relieving work-related stress is possible by acting on those causes that have generated stressful situations: and if it is not possible to avoid them (the new boss, an intense period of work for some deadlines) you can and we must try to change our experience with respect to these situations. For example like this:
– learning some autogenic training to do for 5-10 minutes on returning home
– avoiding eating in the office or staying in the office even during breaks – finding relaxing activities to do after work – simplifying the home management and some aspects of family life – trying to live some situations in the office with detachment

– listening to music on the way to and from the office
– creating small pleasant habits during the working day (for example twenty minutes of reading on a bench under the office, a walk in a park, a breakfast or a coffee at the bar)
– treating yourself well / better outside the office (a face mask, a gift a week, a special dinner)
– avoiding restrictive diets, but following a balanced diet

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