Winter and autumn fruit smoothies: super combinations

Winter and autumn fruit smoothies: super combinations

Today I am talking about the combinations for making winter or autumn fruit smoothies, that is, using fruits and vegetables typical of the cold season to help our well-being, increase the consumption of fiber but also of antioxidants, educate us to a greater consumption of fruit and vegetables instead of snacks and various craps and above all that are beneficial for our health: they rebalance the intestinal flora, are hypoglycemic, help us reduce the hunger for sweets and counteract seasonal problems, they are very greedy and spicy.
Here are 4 recipes to try, super combos for autumn and winter!

The coconut and orange smoothie:
creamy and delicious, perfect for its antioxidant action, ideal for intestinal regularity.
Blend a ripe kiwi with an orange and 3 tablespoons of coconut milk (the real one), all at room temperature.

The anti-cholesterol and hypoglycemic combination :
blend 100 g of strictly raw and seeded pumpkin with 50 ml of cranberry juice (pure), a medium stalk of celery,
a teaspoon of pumpkin seeds and cinnamon to taste.

The sweet smoothie against sweet hunger:
Blend a small ripe pear  with 4 prunes, a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa and 100 grams of whole Greek yogurt. Ideal for a snack for those suffering from a hunger for sweets typical of the change of season, it can be personalized with a sprinkle of cinnamon (do not use skimmed yogurt).

The low-carb and anti-hunger cleansing smoothie with vitamin C:
ideal for the day after  of a day in which we have exceeded at the table or if we are on a low-carb regime, it should be taken for breakfast.
Blend 100 gr of currant with 50 gr of raw spinach, 1/4 of fennel, the juice of one lemon, 50 gr of avocado, diluting with half a cup of kefir water or normal water (net carbohydrates: 15 gr)

All these smoothies can also be frozen to be stored but when defrosted, they must be passed in the blender for a minute. I recommend, when preparing them, to use the blender intermittently, so as not to overheat the blades and therefore lose the antioxidant substances: therefore start the blender for 10 seconds, turn off and count to 10, resume for another 3-4 times .

Learn more: Discover The Diet of Meal Replacement: Lose weight with DIY recipes. 

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