Wine is good for the diet

Wine is good for the diet

Red wineThe news is going around the world: according to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry and conducted by Oregon State University, some polyphenols contained in red wine counteract the formation of fat cells, especially the one that accumulates in the liver, therefore a glass of red wine a day is useful for weight loss. In reality, apart from the fact that the experts themselves invite you not to give yourself crazy over the news by downing a bottle of Chianti , the good thing that has been found is that ellagic acid in particular would discourage the formation of fat cells, and therefore it would be useful to eat foods that contain it if we are on a diet (and not just drinking wine).
Ellagic acid is a particular phenolic substance present in pomegranate, red fruits, red grapes, berries (for example in goji berries, but commonly found in all edible berries), in walnuts and peanuts , from incredible anti-inflammatory properties and now also slimming: this is why it is essential to increase our diet with this acid, and not just by drinking wine. Which, for heaven’s sake, it doesn’t hurt, as long as we don’t drink more than one glass a day(about half a glass per meal), preferring red, therefore, and not sparkling or sugary wines. In that case the disadvantages of a sugar residue contained in the wine (fructose) would nullify the advantages of ellagic acid, and the alcohol would do the rest.
In short, wine is good for you and it is important not to deprive yourself of it , but we do not take every news as an excuse for a bacchanal.

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