Why can’t i lose weight? Here are 6 reasons

Why can’t i lose weight? Here are 6 reasons

Why can’t i lose weight? What are the reasons , and how do you lose weight once and for all?

If you have come to read this article it is because you too are curious to know and for what damn reason every time you try to embark on a diet (you’ve tried them all, haven’t you?) You can’t lose weight .

In more fortunate cases, after two weeks of dieting and efforts of willpower that made you lose that constipated kilo, you have even gained weight by starting to eat again.

Some of you, when asked ” Why can’t I lose weight ?”, Thought they suffered from mysterious allergies that prevented them from losing weight , a bit as if I believed in the dark forces of the universe.

Well, in this case you also went to the doctor, who prescribed a series of tests, with the result that most of the time what you find is not the cause of your overweight.

So why can’t I lose weight, you ask? Could it be stress?

Take comfort. I had to deal with a dietician relative who when someone couldn’t lose weight on her enlightening diet, she would tell him: “Don’t worry, it’s the humidity”.

This thing of not being able to lose weight and failing every diet with a sniper’s ability to hit it happens to many, many people.
Others mistake weight loss for having lost fluids and not yet having enough replenished .
They are the ones who, after killing themselves in the gym and sweating liters, run to weigh themselves.

On the other hand, if you are smart little people and have tried them all, I give you six good reasons why failing a weight loss diet becomes elementary , my dear Watsons.

Why can’t i lose weight? Here’s what I’m doing wrong!

  1. That diet is not for you!
    Given that if you want to lose weight you should in all probability go on a diet, choose a normal weight loss diet, perhaps entrusting yourself to a dietician.
    Most of the do-it-yourself diets (the tomato diet, the ice cream diet, etc.) that we read in the newspapers are wrong about the daily calorie ceiling, usually by default.
    They say they have a diet of 1200 calories a day, you read it and you realize it travels around 1500 .
    Of course, if you don’t know how to count calories, you take it for granted.
    But no. Choose a low-calorie and balanced diet, you don’t even have to be tempted by high-protein diets where the slogan is “eat everything at will”, you have to adjust and lose weight, stop chatting.
  2. Portions are like certain sizes – they matter.
    I found people who swore to me to follow the portions slavishly, while doing impeccable diets. And they often lied.
    But not because they were telling lies in good conscience, but because they underestimated their levity in taking the diet literally. Ten grams corresponds to a soup spoon, not a heaped spoon!
    The spoon must be shaved. Everything must be weighed on the kitchen scale. Do not do it by eye, ever. A glass is not 100ml, unless you drink from the glasses of Snow White’s dwarves. Foods must be weighed raw (yes, even meat, fish).
    Don’t add things thinking they won’t make you fat: those two olivette between meals, what do you want them to be? A little more cheese on pasta or vegetable puree.
    But what vegetable puree is it if you put four tablespoons of grated cheese in it? Sometimes if I can’t lose weight, it’s not my diet, it’s my fault.

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