Who can I contact if I have a serious liver problem?

Who can I contact if I have a serious liver problem?

Hi, a very dear friend of mine has her father who has always suffered from a serious liver problem. Doctors from a hospital in Verona, where she resides, said a transplant is needed. Now I don’t know exactly what the nature of the problem is, I just know that it has been suffering from it for years and it has gotten worse. I believe the situation is critical. I would like to know who I can turn to, because I have no faith in traditional medicine and my friend is worried enough for her father. If you need details on the type of disease I can provide them. I have heard about functional medicine and the results obtained in some pathologies and I would be interested. But this would be fine. I am looking for a valid alternative, which can cure the patient and not act only on the disease, thus accentuating the suffering for a “probable” recovery. Who should I contact? Thank you so much. Luca

Health Answers

Dr. Francesco Candeloro

I answer for homeopathy , which is certainly also a functional medicine: surgery and organ transplantation, or replacement therapy, represent limit situations beyond which it is evident that the function in question is at such a degree of injury, from be no longer subject to any stimulus, which could actually aggravate the patient’s general situation. Logically, a more precise assessment can be made, only on an outpatient basis, by visiting the patient in detail, also in relation to the anamnestic and laboratory data concerning him.


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