Which specialist to rely on to treat a herniated back?
Hello, I really hope for your help. My 32-year-old daughter Luna has been suffering from back pain for 4 years , sometimes she also freezes for a week. You made visits to the homeopath, with homeopathy she had some relief but did not solve, a visit to the orthopedic, who prescribed an MRI, the result is a hernia in the lower back. She describes precisely: signs of spondylodiscoarthrosis of the l3-s1 tract characterized by marginosomatic osteorphites and hypointensity from signal signal of the disc structures, from dehydration of the nucleus pulposus. In 15 – s1 hernial, median focality is observed, inducing a slight imprint on the anterior profile of the dural sac. In l4-l5 we observe bulgin disc with median hernial salience, discrete inducer, imprint on the dural and bilateral sac, engagement of the conjugation foramina, with evident side effects with the right l5 root, osteochondroic phenomena of the opposing somatic limiting. Mentioned hernial focal, median, in l3-l4, in the absence of significant root compression. The remaining disc-somatic ratios are normal. Normally positioned medullary cone and of regular signal. What do you suggest to me? He no longer knows which specialist to rely on. Thank you very much, please help her. Thank you, Theodora.
Health Answers

Good morning Theodora, I’m sorry for your daughter, she doesn’t have a very light situation especially by virtue of HER YOUNG age. TO BE ABLE TO HELP YOU, I WOULD NEED TO KNOW THE CITY IN WHICH YOU LIVE, in order to indicate a good specialist, if you know me. For the moment I can do nothing else, natural remedies exist but in this case they do not have the effectiveness that is expected, it is necessary to intervene first with other techniques to rearrange the back of his daughter, then it is possible to proceed to accelerate the healing with treatments and natural therapies. Good luck
Hello, from what is reported, the problem involves bone tissue with arthrosis, therefore “destruction” and osteophytes, then “excess bone formation”, in which the discs are consequently involved. There is an imbalance between formation and destruction. I advise you to find in your city a colleague who uses homotoxicology and who does homeo-mesotherapy. Nutrition is essential, milk and dairy products are not indicated, evaluate the amount of vitamin D and above all tell your daughter to drink water! The discs must be well hydrated to maintain their function, drink water with a fixed residue <50. Greetings
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