Which natural anti-inflammatory can I take?
What natural anti-inflammatory can replace the drug palexia?
Health Answers
good evening, kind anonymous, the question posed like this does not allow me to give any answer. I should know the reasons why Palexia was prescribed to you, in order to be able to give you a minimum of advice. good evening. Grieco Rosa florotherapist, preventive herbalist. r.grieco53@gmail.com
A good natural anti-inflammatory is ginger . Alessia Bortolin
Good evening, I guess it was prescribed for bone and joint pain. In this case it can start by eliminating those foods that cause and worsen inflammation such as sausages and cheeses but especially replace wheat flours with other alternatives. Then you can use ginger, turmeric (also as compresses together with hot clay ). Boswellia proves effective (scientifically proven research). There are many solutions but it goes without saying that you should contact a colleague in your area so that they can check the status of your overall situation. Best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath
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