When the model’s diet is hunger

When the model’s diet is hunger

At least she was sincere, but her response left her fans shocked.

The Australian model  Ruby Tuesday Matthews , in a direct instagram with her almost two hundred thousand followers, when asked what diet she had done to maintain her weight of 54 kilos, gave an unimaginable answer. Almost.
A revelation that she is traveling around the world.


Heavy drugs, cigarettes all day and long black coffee are the three things that made up the model’s diet, which seriously ruined her health in order not to eat and thus become an influencer.

In practice, these three things allowed her to survive starvation.
But that is not all.

The same model, famous for her thin body, has also revealed that she is not the only one to behave like this in order to stay slim.

A chilling revelation.
The model further stated, “This is how many physicists stay lean, and it’s how my physique stays lean.”

The most shocking thing is that the girl is also a mother of two children, and she said she stopped drugs only after accidentally discovering she was pregnant.

Becoming a mother led her to question her health and to try to solve the mental problems that had led her to such behavior in order to stay in the 54 kilos. She now, she explains, she weighs 11 pounds more, but she is trying to lose weight again, this time trying to do it in a healthier way.

When I say that imitating someone we only see on Instagram or facebook is not the solution to our problems, I mean just that. Nothing is known about an influencer apart from photos of him.
Even when you see dishes, you will never know how much these people really eat.

I hope this news opens the eyes of the many people, both women and men, who chase an ideal and regret not being at the same level as it.
Ruining your life for less weight is the worst thing we can do to ourselves.

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