What to eat on the beach? Here are the dietary alternatives

What to eat on the beach? Here are the dietary alternatives

What to eat on the beach?
After briefly talking about it in an interview on RunRadio, let’s see in more detail what to eat on the beach and on a beach holiday to stay fit and actually promote weight loss while stimulating satiety.

In fact, many people think of keeping themselves light by eating only fruit on the beach, with the problem of being hungry again an hour or two later: fruit, although healthy, is an easily digestible and unbalanced food. As a result, you consume calories, but after a while the meal is digested and you feel hungry again.

Other people, on the other hand, have a real Sunday lunch on the beach that is anything but light: “empty fridge” rice salads often rich in cured meats and pickles, rustic pies with puff pastry, pizzas and even heavy dishes such as parmigiana and lasagna.

The result is that they get heavier by filling up on carbohydrates and fats, a deadly mix both for calories (a meal becomes 600-1000 calories without even noticing) and for digestibility. How can we go into the sea, have a good swim, be more active after a sandwich with parmigiana and maybe a bag of chips?

Going to the beach or swimming pool can instead be an opportunity to exercise, enjoy the sun that allows us to absorb more vitamin D, burn calories and reduce stress while relaxing: why waste this opportunity by focusing on the wrong foods?

So here are Dcomedieta’s advice on what to eat on the beach.



  • If we prepare something in advance and on the stove.

    Instead of rice salad or empty fridge pasta, we can opt for wholemeal or normal rice or pasta but cooked al dente, and seasoned with grilled vegetables, raw vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, red onion, olives and pickles to keep calories under control. Plus a protein food of your choice such as grilled chicken, tuna or natural mackerel, grilled tofu in chunks, legumes that lend themselves to cold dishes such as boiled chickpeas, or low-fat cheeses such as primosale, fresh scamorza, light feta, light mozzarella.
    A drizzle of oil, lots of fresh aromatic herbs and here is a quick and light packed lunch.

  • Alternatively, chicken or turkey salad with chopped lettuce or tender spinach, raw onion, raw peppers, cucumbers, capers, olives, sweet corn, and grilled chicken or turkey – lemon juice and a drizzle of oil complete this dish.
  • Finally, a savory pancake with 40 grams of oat or buckwheat flour combined with an egg white or medium egg and cooked in a pan, perhaps adding a pinch of yeast, salt and pepper. Cut the pancake in two and fill it with two slices of bresaola, salad or rocket or grilled vegetables or tomatoes: for a satisfying packed lunch that does not exceed 250 calories.
  • When we don’t want to cook.

  • The choice falls on prosciutto and melon, figs and prosciutto or watermelon and feta for a single-dish summer salad. Otherwise, yes to fruit paired with something protein: a skimmed Greek yogurt or cottage cheese are an excellent satiating and protein alternative for those who love the idea of ​​a fruit-based lunch. Here’s how to turn fruit into a winning single plate.
  • If we eat in the establishment.

  • Today many bathing establishments offer quick lunches to eat at the table. However, we avoid fried fish or ribs with fries or abundant and often too seasoned first courses. It never hurts to order a grilled fish or octopus or squid salad, paired with a salad and fruit like melon or watermelon or pineapple. Alternatively, a carpaccio of bresaola with rocket and finally some fruit.

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