what sugars should you consume? and honey is harmful?
there are various info on sugars, but zero practical conclusions
Health Answers

Dear Madam Samanda, honey is not harmful at all: it is composed of water, sugar ( fructose and glucose , maltose), acids, proteins, mineral salts (mainly iron , calcium and phosphorus), substances and aromas of flowers, including pigments (derivatives of chlorophyll), tannin, phosphates and vitamins.It has fewer calories than sugar (about 300 kcal / 100 g against 400 for sucrose) one tablespoon (25 grams) contains about 75 calories .; antibiotic properties; anti-inflammatory properties; It contains antioxidants and appears to have acne healing properties as well – of course, consume it in the right quantities. It is not recommended for diabetics. Regarding the consumption of sugars (glucose, fructose) the usual well-known simple secret: just make a moderate consumption !!! Sincerely
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