What natural treatments to take for erectile dysfunction problems in adolescence?

What natural treatments to take for erectile dysfunction problems in adolescence?

Hi, my partner unfortunately at the time of having intercourse, does not have the urge to ensure that he has a “full” erection. What are the natural or homeopathic products that he might take for this problem? (I can say that we are still in adolescence and that he has totally normal daily erections, the problem is the stimulus at the time of intercourse)

Health Answers

Flock pink

Bungiorno, maca , could be of great help to you. in addition, she might try to massage her partner with essential oils , to facilitate relaxation and transport. I hope I have helped her. Sincerely

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Honey, given the young age I would dare to launch the hypothesis of a problem perhaps due to insecurity, “inexperience” or psychological. To be safe, suggest to your partner the idea of ​​going to a professional who can help him both psychologically and for a possible physical check, without any shame or anxiety ! Sexuality is a wonderful thing and any problems especially when you are so young have to be solved and overcome, perhaps together with her in order to also verify her role in the reaction to the response of her partner’s erectile stimulus. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath, iridology / reflexology, mindfulness instructor, writer


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