What natural remedies can I take for hypertension?
Good evening, I am 56 years old, hypertensive for 6 and under treatment with drugs including the beta blocker. Reading the information on the site, hawthorn should not be given to those who take beta-blockers, garlic for those who take ace-inhibitors. I think I understand that Tilia Tormentosa has no interactions with traditional medicine. Are there any other natural remedies I can take for my high blood pressure ? Thanks to the availability
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Among the various foods that could help you fight this problem, however, is blueberry. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, regular consumption of blueberries would improve the state of blood vessels and help reduce blood pressure. The 8-week study was conducted on laboratory animals fed a diet rich in blueberries. After 8 weeks, they were given a molecule capable of raising blood pressure. Surprisingly, the rise in blood pressure was much lower in those animals that had eaten blueberries than in those who did not follow the diet. According to the researchers, the protective effects of blueberry on blood vessels and blood pressure are due to the mix of substances that the fruit contains within it. In particular thanks to polyphenols, powerful antioxidants such as phenolic acid, tannins and anthocyanins. In particular, as regards the effect on blood pressure, the polyphenols would act on the production of nitric oxide, which is essential in the relaxation of blood vessels. Having said that, as a naturopath and psychotherapist I cannot fail to say that the mental attitude must also be changed. Natural Cures assume that the disease is a Holistic event, that is, it affects the whole person, not just the affected organ. In the case of hypertension, I invite you to observe the following. In general, hypertensive people are great talkers who transmit security on the one hand, and on the other extremely modest individuals with respect to their feelings, inclined to remain silent about what disturbs them and to endure without complaining too much: hypertensive people have a double face. In any case, the choice of words betrays their inner world made up of projects, intentions, efforts but also discipline, an approach to life that leaves little space for lightness and nuances. The hardest words, however, the hypertensive reserve to himself, expressing a great severity: after all it is as if a judge were speaking in his place. Silencing this voice is the first step in loosening the grip in which high blood pressure sufferers find themselves. Starting to dedicate more understanding and sweet words does not mean becoming soft and self-indulgent but learning to respect yourself. All for the benefit of health. If this reading has been helpful, please let me know through this site, one of a kind.
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