What natural cures to take in place of anxiolytics and antidepressants?

What natural cures to take in place of anxiolytics and antidepressants?

Hello, I am 60 years old and for 8 years (when I entered menopause ), I started having anxiety associated with a bit of depression . I am still taking a slow release 1mg Xanax anxiolytic daily and an andidepressant. I tried to decrease the xanax as it seemed to me that I no longer had anxiety. but I appeared to be slightly dizzy, I took the usual dose of xanax also recommended by my psychiatrist. Because I am overly opposed to drugs, I feel sick every time I have to take them, I am looking for something natural. Turned to an iridologist, he proposed me to take some rhodiolaalongside what I am already taking, for a first period. I said I’d think about it; inform me via internet I read that rhodiola cannot be associated with the medicines I am taking. I talked to my conduct doctor and when he heard “iridologist” he put his hands in his hair, telling me to continue with the medicines and forget about it. I am torn and I do not know what to do, I would like not to take the anxiolytic and the antidepressant, but dizziness and tiredness appear , I would love to find something alternative, such as rhodiola for example, but if I cannot take it associated with what I am taking now ? Excuse me if I went too far. Thank you.

Health Answers

Flock pink
Hello, Magnesium associated with some vitamin B complexes could be of great help to you. These are very safe in case of your specific drug therapy. Furthermore, with regard to vertigo, I would like to recommend blood and ultrasound investigations on organs such as thyroid and adrenal glands, also involved in basal energy and oxygenation of the brain. As you will have understood, from this mention of mine, depressive syndromes, mood swings and dizziness are often just a consequence. The speech is articulated and not at all trivial, I hope I have given you the ideas you were looking for. sincerely.

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Good evening, as a naturopath I put my hands in my hair every day and for many reasons. However, there are good doctors and good iridologists but also bad doctors and bad iridologists, good patients and bad patients! Having said that, I close the parenthesis. Dear lady, Rhodiola is not compatible with her care and in any case she would still be rather light in supporting her situation. You evaluate the most suitable figure to rely on for psychological and medical support. The pusopause is a very delicate period and the hormonal upheaval as well as the emotional-physical one can cause emotional instability that should not be overlooked. Certain medications can also leave unpleasant effects such as those you mentioned. Know that there are effective natural cures that can be combined with the type of therapy you have adopted and then gradually abandon it like lithium but I stress that you must contact a professional who can evaluate your person and your state of health and the therapy in place. to evaluate its total compatibility. In fact, lithium is not suitable for all constitutions. Having said that, keep the nutritional aspect and any deficiency states (vitamins and minerals) under control, and as the colleague rightly mentions, also check the values ​​of the thyroid gland whose good functionality plays a very important role. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopathic reflexology iridology nutritional aspect and any deficiency states (vitamins and minerals), and as the colleague rightly mentions, also check the values ​​of the thyroid gland, whose good functionality plays a very important role. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopathic reflexology iridology nutritional aspect and any deficiency states (vitamins and minerals), and as the colleague rightly mentions, also check the values ​​of the thyroid gland, whose good functionality plays a very important role. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopathic reflexology iridology

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