What natural cures are there for my irritable bowel?
I am 65 years old and about ten years ago, after radio and chemia therapy, I was operated on for rectal carcinoma, with removal of 22 cm. of bowels, and consequent coloanal packaging, which avoided my stoma Miles. Unfortunately, in all these years I have not been able to reduce the frequent episodes of diarrhea that often affects me, especially if I eat irritating foods. Is there any remedy or drug that could prevent me from the episodes of diarrhea , bloating and flatulence , which create great embarrassment for me? Thank you
Health Answers
Good morning, as he specified, the only way is attention to food. If he manages to do a few months of deprivation, those ailments will be less disabling. For natural supplements a detailed medical history would be necessary, because often in the irritable bowel, many aids can worsen discharges and anal discomfort. Dr. Rosa Flocco Nutritionist and Neurobiologist
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