What makes you fat? The stress

What makes you fat? The stress

What makes you fat as much as an incorrect diet and a sedentary lifestyle? Hold on tight and read. The stress. 
Recently, nutritionist Chris Sandel wrote a long and interesting article in which he explains how the most stressful moments in his life coincided with weight gain, even five or seven kilos, despite the fact that a balanced and varied diet had not changed. in those situations, indeed, he often ate less precisely because of the stress. And other experts point out that while so many people lose weight in particularly stressful times, most people gain weight, or struggle to shed the extra pounds when stressed. But what do we mean by stress

Stress is something that makes you fat when it is not a momentary stress, but a condition that has lasted for a while.
In fact, we are normally subjected to greater or lesser stresses, which push the adrenal glands to produce hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline), capable of making us adapt and help us overcome the stressful factor. To a certain extent, stress is also good for you. And of course it’s not like every little stress causes you to be overweight or have difficulty losing weight. For example, being in love or happy can also be stressful. Even a sudden visit can create stress for us. Even a promotion. A wait. For example, adrenaline comes into play in the short term, creating a tension that in most cases makes hunger go away. You are anxiously waiting to see someone, or to receive a call. You just went through a big life change.

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