What diet to do? The test tells you

What diet to do? The test tells you

Is there an ideal diet for everyone? No, because not all diets are the same but above all not all diets are good for us. The question therefore is not to know if a diet is valid or not in absolute terms.
But if a diet will be effective on us. How can we understand which diet to do?

Simple, let’s begin to understand what kind of people we are and what needs we have: this will allow us to find a diet that is closer to our lifestyle and also easier to follow.
The good news is that today there is a test to figure out which diet to do to lose weight.


I have divided the categories into A, B, C. At the end of the test for each letter there will be the recommended diets.

  1. How many times a week do you exercise or go to the gym?

    A) from 3 times a week onwards
    B) 1-2 times a week
    C) never

  2. How would you define yourself with someone who doesn’t know you?

    C) A glutton, you appreciate quantity and are often hungry
    A) You eat little but you are greedy and you aim for quality
    B) A messy man, you eat whatever happens

  3. What time of day do you eat the most?

    C) Always
    B) At dinner, the rest of the day you almost forget to eat
    A) Pilucchi all day rather than really sitting at the table

  4. What would you never give up, not even for a month?

    B) Don’t touch me sandwiches, pizza, pasta and desserts
    A) Don’t touch me butter, meats, cheeses, wine
    C) Don’t touch my meat

  5. What weighs you the most about the diet?

    C) Counting calories
    A) Not being able to eat or having to limit the foods I like
    B) Having a fixed meal plan


Answers preferences A: the gourmet
You drink wine or beer, you often eat cheeses and cured meats, fried foods, you like things to enjoy even if simple: you aim for fried egg in butter and for you there is nothing better than the cutting board with the glass of wine when you dine out. You don’t particularly like sweets and you could give up pasta if you really have to make a sacrifice.
The ideal gourmet diets are ketogenic ( this one ), the Montignac-type glycemic index diet .

More answers B: lover of pasta and delivery. 
You like pasta, pizza, midnight biscuits, croissant at the bar. You’re an aficionado of bakery products from the local supermarket, you know the brands inside out and you are often single: from coconut biscuits to shortbread to ice cream, your ideal day is the one in which you make two ounces of pasta because you don’t work, like on Saturday. The good news is that the ideal diets exist for you too: the carb’s lover , the glycemic index diet , the low-calorie Mediterranean diet , the fiber diet. You just have to switch from refined to whole foods. You can do it.

Answer preferences C: the carnivore
You would give up on pasta, but no steak, you hate calories and put yourself in restrictions: you are a glutton, one who craves ribs and who has to get up from the table satisfied. Your ideal diets are the Dukan diet and even better the Paleo diet , which allows you to also eat carbohydrates. But make an effort to be less sedentary.

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