What can be the cause of a perennial stomach ache?

What can be the cause of a perennial stomach ache?

Good morning, in the last year suffering continuously from stomach ache I turned to homeopathy and shiatsu massage , but having had no results in June I underwent the intolerance test by blood sampling. One month after the elimination of all the foods to which I was intolerant, I find myself with 2 kg more and with the usual stomach ache !!! Shouldn’t I have deflated? I feel like a ball! What do I have to do now? I hope for advice. Thanks Francesca Visinoni Ps I also did celiac disease tests but they were negative.

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa

Hi Francesca, first of all do some more specific tests such as an echo abdomen, do a gynecological checkup and pap test, based on the results then redo an evaluation. Then I would say an intestinal cleansing with artichoke and dandelion , as long as there are no stones, probiotes, controlled nutrition with no fried food, avoid too many sugars, fats, alcohol, drink at least 1 and 1/2 liters of water a day, possibly yoga, physical activity even for only 1/2 hour a day which could help eliminate toxins and anxiety. let me know. b. day


Cinzia zedda - balances studio
I would also like to add that kamut and spelled and oats are cereals to be excluded like wheat. Unfortunately this is a detail that few people know about. However, the consumption of cereals should be limited to those called “primary” ….., even if there is no particular sensitivity to wheat or wheat. Greetings

Hello, abdominal pain can have many causes, both gastrointestinal (eg colitis, diverticulosis, gastritis, etc.) but also not of intestinal relevance. It would be advisable to carry out an in-depth clinical evaluation with particular reference to the anamnesis (previous illnesses, what happened before the onset of the symptom, his emotional state). Candida could also be considered among the causes besides intolerances. The approach is therefore complex. Finally, as regards laceliachia, a sensitivity to gluten is possible (there is no positive antibody) but it requires the elimination from the diet of everything that contains gluten (wheat, kamut spelled, barley, rye cereal.
Loredana Tocalli
intestine that can then be reflected downstream. Basically, I would advise you to hear from a good gastroenterologist who takes stock of your organic and dietary situation and only after having clarified the picture I would like to recommend acupuncture sessions that could certainly de-inflammation and cleanse the intestinal mucosa. Cordiality Dr.ssa Loredana Tocalli Surgeon Homeopath Acupuncturist.

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Dearest, the term “stomach ache” indicated by you is a bit generic to even try to understand what the cause is and therefore I also refrain from recommending any food or therapeutic indications. An intestinal cleansing could also be counterproductive. Speaking of intolerances, I advise you to read “the food that crosses my mind” and you will understand many things! Before accessing any traditional or natural therapy, a more in-depth assessment by your doctor is a must. Later, if you wish, you can evaluate the less invasive way to go to solve your problem. Best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer

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