What are the natural remedies for vaginal infections and vaginitis?

What are the natural remedies for vaginal infections and vaginitis?

I am a 33-year-old girl who treated an infection like ureaplasma with antibiotics, but now the gynecologist told me there is an infection while doing the smear. I don’t know what it is yet but I would like to avoid taking antibiotics again, what can I do instead?

Health Answers

Dr. Francesco Candeloro

Homeopathy _is able to treat disorders of this type both in the acute phase and in their prevention. In the acute phase it will be important to report to the doctor what situations may have preceded the onset of the disorders and then specify if there are secretions and what characteristics they have in color and density, if they irritate locally, if they have bad odor, and in which phase of the menstrual cycle occur. Once the acute episode is cured, we will then move on to preventive treatment, through a careful and in-depth study of the person, which starts from his anatomical and constitutional characteristics, and reaches his emotionality and his reactivity to stimuli and the environment, thus identifying the particular terrain of the person, which favors the continuous return of symptoms,


Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Dearest, my advice can only have a generalized characteristic, not having more precise indications and on what the type of infection is. It would not be serious on my part nor professional, meanwhile I can tell you that it is probable a constitutional weakness and therefore it is easier to contract certain infections in some organs rather than others. what is certain is that the acid / base balance should be re-established with enzymes suitable for working in the specific affected area and then using both homeopathy and preparations based on essential oils with antibiotic action. However, it remains a good practice to take enzymes with B vitamins after and during (if antibiotic resistant) any antibiotic therapy to restore intestinal porosity and flora eubiosis. The knowledge of the constitution of an individual then helps a lot in identifying the predisposition to which one is subject and therefore in finding the right therapy. Sincerely.

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