What are the natural cures for erectile dysfunction?

What are the natural cures for erectile dysfunction?

Are there any natural cures for erectile dysfunction? Thank you

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa
Hi, surely there are cures to solve this dysfunction, working on the triggering cause. In his writing it is not possible to advise anything because there is no data to get an idea of ​​the situation. I advise you to consult a good homeopath and you will see that in a short time it will solve. good evening r.grieco53@gmail.com
Ilaria Porta
Hello, I suggest you read my factsheets on the “specials” that you find on the site regarding Cordyceps. The mycotherapy associated with a healthy diet and remedies that go to work on the cause or causes that have led to this disorder will certainly help. There is no specific remedy in Natural Medicine as it is based on causes and works holistically on the subject. Good health
Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Dearest, the causes that lead to erectile dysfunction are manifold. unfortunately, stress is the number one enemy followed by a neglected diet associated with high LDL cholesterol values, circulation problems that are not so infrequent even in humans. Get blood tests to check your testosterone levels and to see if there is an onset of diabetes. Having done this, there are many natural therapies to help you solve your problem. Regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath
Hi, once the cause of erectile dysfunction (psychological, metabolic, neurological) has been ascertained, one can think of the appropriate therapy. It is therefore essential, as suggested by the other colleagues, to do some blood tests (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, fasting blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin, plasma testosterone), as well as to understand if there is an important component of stress to manage. The integrated approach must evaluate all the components involved, the therapy will therefore be differentiated. Best regards, Dr. Gabriella Fugazzotto
Cinzia zedda - balances studio
As I imagined then. In the meantime, you should contact a colleague who can closely monitor you. There are natural solutions but they must still be taken under control and with caution by those who are diabetic.In the meantime, they can control the glycemic trend through nutrition and sport and relieve tension. Stress is one of the causes of diabetes. Try to eat carbohydrates for lunch that are wholemeal accompanied by vegetables and therefore fiber. Tapinambur, for example, is a root that manages to control blood sugar levels very well. Snack on adequate snacks by eliminating those that contain hydrogenated fats and white flours. Avoid cheeses and meats in favor of blue fish. Eat walnut and almonds. Remove the coffee. Eat proteins and vegetables in the evening. The vegetable contains fiber. The latter slows down the absorption of sugars, prolonging the sense of satiety with all the resulting benefits. My best advice, however, is to be followed without hesitation by a professional who can give you targeted and therefore effective advice. The type of constitution you belong to makes a lot of difference in therapy. Unfortunately, his problem is also frequent in younger men due to the type of life we ​​are leading. Don’t be discouraged. Sincerely Unfortunately, his problem is also frequent in younger men due to the type of life we ​​are leading. Don’t be discouraged. Sincerely Unfortunately, his problem is also frequent in younger men due to the type of life we ​​are leading. Don’t be discouraged. Sincerely
Doctor Luca Vivaldi
Good evening Virgil It is not easy to dismiss the succinct question you are asking in a few words, it can simply be mentioned – the fact that for the person the period is particularly stressful and therefore it is prohibitive for her to undertake sexual intercourse; – to the fact that sometimes the lack of erection can be due to the anxious experience of sexual intercourse, – or a series of fears about the partner can make it difficult to abandon oneself to intercourse; – or too many expectations about how the sexual act should go can stifle its natural spontaneity. Therefore, what natural cures: – being able to talk about it (about what happens and / or feels) with the partner calmly by refraining from judgment, would already be a great first step. -Creating a soothing environment for the relationship is a good thing that favors the following. – Trying to live naturally what nature has provided, respecting the ways and times that are appropriate for it is another piece of advice.For the rest, if there are topics that you cannot talk about with your partner or you are unable to to do so, it is known that the psychologist or the sexologist can be of great help, not only for the specific of erectile dysfunction, but to develop a warmer, more consistent and safer relationship with the world, as well as in sexuality. Friendliness it is known that the psychologist or the sexologist can be of great help, not only for the specific of erectile dysfunction, but to develop a warmer, more consistent and safer relationship with the world, as well as in sexuality. Friendliness it is known that the psychologist or the sexologist can be of great help, not only for the specific of erectile dysfunction, but to develop a warmer, more consistent and safer relationship with the world, as well as in sexuality. Friendliness
Good evening Virgil, the causes that lead to erectile dysfunction can have different origins. Sometimes it is just a mental block, others it is a consequence of a drug treatment, still others it can depend on dietary deficiencies or cardio-circulatory problems. I advise you to use a natural supplement that can act as an antagonist to type 5 phosphodiesterase. In this regard, I am referring to VIRIA which poses itself as a “mime” and manages to deceive the problem. It is a natural way to recover the full functionality of the corpus cavernosum and to overcome the discomforts that increase in the presence of psychological fears. The product I am talking about is based on Moringa oleifera which (while reading I noticed this too) also helps to lower cholesterol levels thanks to its intervention on glycemic processes.

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