Weight stall, why don’t you lose weight anymore

Weight stall, why don’t you lose weight anymore

The weight stall is what happens when you started a diet, you lost the first few pounds but now the scale doesn’t go down anymore.
Or again: you started a diet after trying many already, two weeks have passed and the results are not coming.
And finally: you don’t have many kilos to lose, just those 3 or 4 kilos …

But despite the efforts and diets there is nothing to do, the weight does not drop.

If one of the prospects is yours, a weight stall, or plateau , has occurred .

Here are the main reasons why a weight stall occurs, which in reality can be traced back to only one sentence: that you exaggerated or did something wrong.
And below I’ll explain what.


  1. You have chosen a program to lose weight quickly.
    weight stall



    Tired of not having more results with a traditional diet, those that make you lose two or three kilos a month, you have chosen a lightning diet or a regimen that promised you to lose at least ten kilos in a month.

    All right, but you haven’t considered three things.
    – The more diets you do, the more the body resists weight loss, as an effect of similar stressful situations, so you get used to the drastic regime. A mechanism known as metabolic efficiency. In short, the body behaves by making the calories you give it enough, because you have done the same in other situations, so it is as if the body had a memory of your dietary behavior. A state of alarm from which, however, he never got out.
    – A quick or particular regimen is often not structured for maintenance, so once the diet is over, resume eating as before and gain weight again. For this reason on Dcomedieta, even in lightning regimens, advice is always given for a transition phase, especially if we are talking about low-carbohydrate diets.
    – Reducing only the fat mass, therefore obtaining a real weight loss, is not feasible in the short time and generally requires a mixed approach (diet + physical activity). In this case, the diet is never drastic.

  2. You have depleted your lean mass.

    Have you staked everything on weight loss regimes, but have never done physical activity?
    Lean mass determines your basal metabolic rate.
    The more the weight decreases with consequences on the lean mass, the more the metabolism is lowered until the weight stalls over time despite the caloric cuts and, worse, the increasing tendency to gain weight.

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