Weight loss diet, five false things

Weight loss diet, five false things

dietalowcarbAre you on a diet and want to lose weight? Here are the five false things circulating online and in newspapers that, according to News.com , confuse people who would like to lose weight, making them follow crazy regimes and far-fetched rules that not only undermine their attempts to lose weight in the long run. but worse still they ruin their health. Here are the five things you don’t have to believe if you want to go on a diet.
1) Eliminate foods from your diet: 
It is okay to eliminate certain foods from the diet, but eliminating entire categories of foods that provide macronutrients should be avoided. How to eliminate fruit, eliminate cereals or legumes, eliminate all sources of fats. The only real elimination that makes sense to lose weight is that of false food: eliminating refined foods, processed foods, processed foods can only do you good. Eliminating real food does not.

2) Carbohydrates get fat. Raw cereals and wholegrain products, eaten for breakfast and lunch, provide an important dose of fiber that allows you to reduce the absorption of sugars and fats, thus losing weight and staying in the ideal weight achieved. Absolutely avoid eliminating carbohydrates in the belief that you are losing weight.
3) A diet low in Fodmaps is ideal for everyone: foods containing fodmaps are most of the fruits, legumes, cereals, nuts, seeds, dairy products and many vegetables that have these particular chains of carbohydrates that cause fermentation (disaccharides, oligosaccharides, polyols and monosaccharides that are fermentable). Excluding these foods from the diet reduces intestinal inflammation, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms of the entire digestive system and in particular irritable bowel syndrome. However, it means eating a poor diet, which also impoverishes the body. Better to avoid them in the acute phase but make an effort to eat them in the daily diet.
4) The secret to losing weight? A diet that is high in fat but low in carbohydrates.These diets are not ideal for maintaining the weight achieved, but they ensure some weight loss in the early days according to experts. In summary: lose weight and then find yourself more weighted than before.
5) Eliminate gluten for weight loss:many gluten-free foods have more calories and a higher glycemic index (and an endless list of ingredients) than foods containing gluten.For those who are not celiac but want to be careful about gluten I would say that a diet containing all cereals (since the wheat is “inflated” with gluten to make it more productive in the food industry, other cereals with gluten are exactly as they used to be) in rotation, and a lower consumption of all industrial products containing modified starch are a useful preventive measure to avoid inconveniences from too much gluten.

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