Weight blocked, what are the causes?

Weight blocked, what are the causes?

Your weight is blocked and even if you want to lose weight, the scale does not shift negatively, but even gives you a little more? I think I have written about fifty articles on weight stalling, on the dreaded yo-yo effect, on blocked weight for many reasons, but in this article I will try to add a series of suggestions to the list of errors that cause you to block weight. instead they can help you unblock it and continue to lose weight. With an important caveat: the main problems for which the scales no longer go down concern the metabolism. And the metabolism is quick to slow it down, but it is not quick to increase it, returning to the starting conditions. This is because our body thinks, so to speak, in a somewhat “antiquated” way, that is we are biologically programmed to “resist” famine, and not to “not get fat” in periods of perennial dietary prosperity and sedentary lifestyle. Our body biologically tends to stockpile rather than burn them, to make us prefer idleness and laziness to movement and all those metabolically stressful conditions. The alternatives I will give you all work, but they take time.
If you have the weight blocked, and it doesn’t last a week or two (not everyone starts a diet losing weight right away, consider this too) the reasons to which it all boils down are basically three. But, tighten tight, they have one point in common: slowed metabolism.
Let’s see what the main weight stall problems are and how to get out of them. On page two.

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