Very painful hemorrhoids: what to do?
Hello, I am 46 years old and for some months the haemorrhoidal problems have worsened heavily. I am going through a period of great stress and the hemorrhoids are now very painful, without bleeding, but external and accompanied by important itches. Wanting to avoid surgery and medicines, I would gladly use other remedies. Thank you in advance for your attention, best regards.
Health Answers

Good evening, in reality by adopting a suitable and personalized diet, despite the advanced stage, you will be able to benefit and also avoid the intervention. It is also important to avoid stressful situations and by practicing meditation and yoga through the techniques usually used you will see that you will learn to manage stress with a generalized improvement and also aimed at your problem. Use oral herbal products and also frequent and long at least twenty minutes long sitz baths each based on chamomile and mallow much more effective than any medicine. Kind regards Cinzia zedda naturopath – writer, iridologist
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