Vertigo and multiple sclerosis: is there a link?
What connects dizziness to multiple sclerosis, or how much this disorder can be linked to a symptomatology of the imbalance that affects the tissues and their elasticity

The term “sclerosis ” is defined as the state in which tissue hardening occurs and one finds oneself living with a disabling form  of demyelinating neurodegenerative disorder .
Let’s see the delicate theme of vertigo that can be associated with this disorder, with an attached feeling of fear and bewilderment.
Dizziness and multiple sclerosisÂ
The disorders associated with sclerosis are related to coordination , balance and vision . When there is a sudden doubling, a blur or uncontrollable movements of the eye , associated with fatigue and weakness and sensitivity disorders, we may be faced with the pathology. Bladder and intestinal disorders, asthenia can occur. Secondary disorders also affect the sexual sphere, with less lubrication in women and difficulty in achieving desire and difficulty in ejaculation in men.
There is no criterion in how the symptoms manifest themselves and this usually leads the person to experience these manifestations with some anxiety.
In the case of vertigo , these manifestations can be of an objective or subjective nature : the vertigo of an objective nature is due to the labyrinth which is compromised and generates the sensation of seeing the environment rotate around oneself; subjective vertigo is linked to alterations in the central nervous system . In this case the first symptom is a certain instability and lateropulsion also occurs (tendency to fall or move towards one side rather than another). Â
Other disorders associated with vertigoÂ
The types of disorders associated with vertigo are linked to the heart system and manifest themselves in the form of acceleration (tachycardia) and other manifestations of a neurovegetative nature (nausea, vomiting). There are also otological alterations , with hypoacusis (sudden loss of hearing) and tinnitus .
Neurological disorders are equally frequent such as headache, tremors, decreased strength, loss of coordination . These conditions also alter simple, everyday gestures . When dependent on neurological factors, vertigo takes the name of central vertigo , while if it derives from alterations in the sense organs as in the case of the functioning of the labyrinth, peripheral vertigo occurs . Â
Other causes of dizziness
Now, one should not be alarmed and immediately think of a possibility of sclerosis in the case of dizziness associated with a sensation of vertigo.
Dizziness may occur due to particular states of anxiety based on the period in which one is experiencing (psychogenic vertigo) or dizziness due to Menière’s disease which affects the deepest part of the inner ear. Finally, there are also other types of vertigo which take the name of  paroxysmal vertigo , which the subject accuses when he turns his head in one direction and can also occur when the subject is in a lying position. If they occur when you are in bipedia, the sensation of a sudden fall is really difficult to manage.
This last type of vertigo originates from the formation of  small stones  (otoliths) within the structure of the ear. We speak of benign paroxysmal vertigo when with the  Semont maneuver  it is possible to restore internal balance.
When vertigo occurs together with tremors and speech disturbances then you might think about contacting your GP who can possibly direct you to specific tests.
Absolutely useful is  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MRI), which highlights demyelination lesions. Other tests that can be performed include:  lumbar puncture, which allows the doctor to collect and examine the cerebrospinal fluid or CSF (colorless and transparent fluid that surrounds the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve roots).Â
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