Vegan diet, for or against?

Vegan diet, for or against?

vegan_dietsI say this immediately, in order to clear up any misunderstandings. I am personally opposed to the vegan diet : I would not recommend it in the long term (at most for a detox regime of one or two weeks) and without a doubt if asked what I think I would advise against it in the case of children and adolescents, while leaving adults the freedom. to provide for their nutrition as they want. I have vegan friends and I respect their point of view , I literally don’t say anything about anyone’s nutritional choices. Everyone did as he wants. My point of view, speaking about health, is different and I explain it here, taking a cue from the article just published in Il sole 24 ore, in which we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the vegan diet .
1) The misconception of the “plant-based” diet:
  ok, but what does it mean? Doing a “plant-based” diet does not clash with the idea of ​​being omnivorous, but it means having a diet that is mostly plant-based. An example is the Mediterranean diet. The base of the famous pyramid of the Mediterranean diet is made of cereals, tubers, fruit and vegetables. It means that we eat plant-based foods for a percentage ranging from 60 to 80% of our diet. So an omnivorous diet is not an animal -based diet apart from rare exceptions that I don’t feel like encouraging: paleo-diet, high-protein diets, etc. I eat everything, but the basis of my diet is vegetable, in fact

2) The importance of noble proteins: eggs, meat and fish make up the so-called noble proteins. Vegetable proteins are not the same. A good diet must include both: those who do not want to eat meat or fish can eat at least eggs and aged cheeses, but a diet with the total exclusion of animal proteins is lacking and those who follow it risk not being in perfect health. I have personally already read in abundance and examined the theses of those who say that noble proteins do not exist, that cheeses cause osteoporosis, that the proteins of killed animals are not useful to humans, that men have no teeth / skills digestive / intestine capable of eating meat and fish: however, I have found so many denials and better arguments that I have returned to the idea of ​​noble proteins.
3) The imbalances of the vegan diet: in particular in the DIY, I have seen people gain weight with the vegan diet, suffer from slow metabolism (although a 2013 study would have disproved this: the point is that the reference sample did not diet omnivorous but vegetarian, so it was a study between the benefits of a vegetarian diet and those of a vegan diet), losing hair, just as I have seen teenage girls lose their periods. A friend of mine suffered from severe anemia following her vegan diet. My husband, a former vegan, has recovered his health and metabolism by returning to the omnivorous diet. The problem of the vegan dietit is in fact the excess of soy and soybean foods, the excess of nuts, seeds and vegetable oils that lead to an increase in omega6 fatty acids and a hormonal imbalance in favor of an excess of estrogen. Munching on walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts every three by two is not good for your health: one thing is to eat a dozen of them as a snack, but I know people who consume 2-300 grams per day with the excuse of “proteins”
The fact that many people then go on a vegan diet without knowing anything about many natural supplements and organic foods (hemp flour, for example) but simply eliminating all animal products, I find a worrying phenomenon.
4) The importance of moderation and quality:the meat must be of quality, industrial preparations are to be avoided like the plague. This is something an omnivore should understand. Intensive farming meat is undoubtedly bad for me and I personally avoid it. Furthermore, as for everything, the key to good health is moderation: the choice of excellent aged cheeses and raw milk, organic meats and controlled farms or game when possible, of which to eat everything to avoid the horror of waste (bones for the broth, liver and offal for nutrients), eggs from free-range and organic hens, fresh and local fish; all these things are an essential distinction when it comes to animal food. Battery chicken is poison, surimi is not fish.
5) Vegan sources: it’s amazing howin Italy we still speak of the China Study as an authoritative study , despite the fact that abroad the book has been considered limited, lacking in information, statistically erroneous, scientifically unreliable and arbitrary in its conclusions. Years. Yet the China Study has become the bible of the vegan universe, while it should remain a text, an essay, in which we are free to take the good and be skeptical about the rest. One of the most authoritative articles against the China study is this,which was followed by Campbell’s own reply and rejoinder. Not to mention the studies that correlate animal proteins to neoplasms and most diseases: again, not a word about the type of animal protein, the quality of meat and eggs or fish of the chosen sample. I would never go on a sausage-based diet.
That said, mine is not an appeal against the vegan diet and in favor of a carnivorous diet, but I hate food dogma, food terrorism and anything that clashes with the exercise of logic. I leave everyone the right to eat as they see fit and I am open to any doubts, research proposals and so on. Personally, I eat more fish than meat, and in fact I eat meat once or twice a week. I don’t feel like excluding it from the diet for the reasons listed above: I find animal proteins an important nutritional resource for health and a healthy metabolism.

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