Use hormones to lose weight

Use hormones to lose weight

According to the Daily Star newspaper , it is possible to exploit hormones to lose weight with different eating habits  : that weight loss is in fact also linked to a hormonal discourse, and that is that hormones such as insulin and glucagon, but also testosterone or estrogen (sex hormones ) up to the so-called stress hormones, have a say in creating or preventing fat mass, in influencing weight and swelling as well as in some parameters of our health such as cholesterol, it is a known fact.

So much so that in recent years research has focused on two fields against the fight against obesity: on the one hand, studies that link hormones to weight loss or extra pounds have intensified (this is the case of insulin , wrongly considered a “fattening” hormone) and hormonal diets have flocked, on the other hand we have heard a lot about the gut and the microbiota to lose weight. In reality, hormones and microbiota are closely linked: therefore paying attention to our hormonal health will affect our intestinal health (and weight loss) and vice versa. Both of these parameters also play a big role in determining our health by influencing our immune system.

But how can we use hormones to lose weight?
Let’s try to adopt these six little habits and test the improvements on ourselves.

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